"Ace will go with you!" Ashton said, grabbing the bags from Ace. He took two himself, two for Adam and two for Anthony.

"Ashton?" Ace glared at him.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. It's fine." I assured.

"No, let's just go." He headed towards, where I assume, the grocery store.


"Ace?" I asked. He hummed, he was leaning on the cart looking bored. "Can you get that for me?" I asked awkwardly, pointing up to a pack of pop tarts.

He reached over me and grabbed it with ease. After he tossed it into the cart, we went to the meat department.

"We're eating rice with some vegetables. What kind of meat do you want?" I asked him since he went with me.

"Chicken!" He answered without hesitation.

"What kind?" I went to the chicken part.

"Fried chicken." He replied.

"Fried chicken it is." I grabbed some chicken legs.

"I'm done, you want anything else?" I turned to face him.

"How much are these flowers?" He asked.

"Why do we need flowers?" I asked confused.

"Because I'm gonna bury Ashton alive." He said.

"Oh my!" I cracked up laughing. He chuckled before pushing the cart towards the cashing register. Ace paid with credit card Adam gave him.

"I'll take this." I went to grab some bags but he beat me to it.

"I got it." He insisted and we went outside. Adam was already waiting, Anthony was sitting shotgun.

Ace dumped the bags  in the back. Then he joined me and Ash on the backseat. I was seated in the middle and because we were lacking space, Ace put his arm behind the thingy I lean my head on. Atleast that's what I thought.

"OW!" Ashton yelled out in pain, making my head snap to his side.

"WHAT?!" I screeched when I saw nothing was wrong.

"Ace twisted my ear!" He accused.

"Ace!" Adam warned.

"I didn't!" He defended.

"Ashton!" Adam said.

"HE DID!" Ash whined.

"Lina!" Adam got me in.

"Why are you getting me involved?!" I complained.

"You're in the backseat, so did Ace do it?" He asked.

"I didn't see anything." I mumbled.

"Alright, no need to apologize."

"But-" Ash wanted to say something but Adam cut him off.

"If no one saw it then there is no evidence. So shut it!" Adam acted like a parent.

That all made Tony roll his eyes, Ace smirk and Ash just stared out the window angrily.



I was standing in the kitchen, waiting for the chicken. I checked them out and concluded they were done. "DINNER IS READY!" I hollered.

A few seconds later all four of them were infront of me. "Good, you" I pointed to Ash, "Set the table, except the plates." He saluted and went to work. "Tony, you pour the drinks. Adam and Ace, serve the plates." I said while filling up the plates.

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