There's Nora Way Around It

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You were in the middle of Emerald Forest with your team. You were all assigned to a clearance mission. You and a number of teams surveyed different areas of Remnant.

 The sun was beaming down on the wandering team of yours. Pieces of the suns rays would seep through the gaps of the branches and trees. 

There was you, of course. Then there was Elizabeth: the up close combat type with the short dark brown hair. She wore spiked purple metallic gauntlets. She was more than an average girl. Like an older sister. 

The last female of the group was Polly. The pink pig tailed girl. She possessed a large set of knives and daggers. She might've been armed to the teeth but she was a sweetheart. No matter how gloom/mundane things got, she always had her talent on making things better.  

Then there was Mordecai. He was a pinpoint accurate shot...when he wanted to be. His special goggles were what gave him the best shots. He owned a steel gray coloured sniper that was also a cutting edge battle axe. 

The four of you were conversing of small things about the Academy as you continue your mission stroll. Tests, skills, weaponry and teamwork. All the essentials of being apart of an Academy. 

"How much further?" Elizabeth asks impatiently as she crosses her arms that were covered by her gauntlets that were up to her elbows. "This is getting boring!" she complained while inserting her hands in her long violet sleeveless overcoat.     

Elizabeth hated things to drag on. No matter what it was, she always hated the wait: especially at team meet ups. For her ten minutes was her limit of patience. One time Mordecai was late due to...sleep, she was practically at his neck for most of the day. 

"It shouldn't be too long," suggests Mordecai as he rolls up his white shirt sleeves to his elbows. "There's not much I can see anyway" he said with his goggle on his face. He then proceeds to tuck his shirt into his grey trousers. "Polly, you know how far we got left?" he asked the girl in front of him who wore a light magenta shaded combat skirt. 

Polly was the main navigator of the group. She always had a keen eye when it came navigation. "Hmm, not too long. I'm sure we'll notice something pretty soon," she informs in her high pitched vocals. "Besides, it's so nice out. We should take the scenery in," she emphasizes while spinning in circles and gazing at the oak surroundings.    

You all continue your walk through the forest. Each step you all took, left a small crunching sound from crushing the leaves beneath you. 

You turned your head to your group, as you were the one in front. "I mean, it isn't hard to notice a horde of Grimm roaming around," you jokingly say while wearing a playful expression. A small batch of giggles came out of Polly. After that a groan could be heard next from the other girl who wore the dark jeans that went down to the top of her caffs. 

While they continue the small talk, Mordecai was observing the area for any sign of trouble. "Still nothing, maybe they scattered off? Maybe someone else got a whack at them," he guesses as he turns his left and right. He holds his rifle in it's position with his right hand on the long barrel neck. His left one was around the handle and his index finger was away from the trigger. 

"Well I ain't heading back till I get a good warm up!" demands the tomboy girl as she raises her arms like boxer and gives quick jabs to the air. She then calls on your name and offers you a one on one session if the targets aren't there.

"Sure, just don't get all huffy if I beat you again," you reply playfully with a cheeky grin creeping on your face. 

Small giggles and chuckles could be heard from the others.

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