10/17/16-The Pre-Halloween-Fic-Purge Update

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Hey guys, Scarlet here, and this is an update to let you know how things are going to go down on Halloween. 

There are two weeks left in the contest, and I HIGHLY recommend that you look at the fic catalog to confirm that your fic(s) are designated as marked complete, having a published word count (if applicable), and passed inspection. Some people have marked their fics complete, but without a word count, I can't inspect them. All fics that do not pass inspection in time will not be eligible to compete in this year's awards. 

Thus, I highly recommend that you get things done next week, which will allow time if the fic doesn't pass inspection the first time. I will be gone that weekend on a college retreat and then I'll be trick-or-treating Halloween night (as Sans from Undertale,I'll post a pic when the entry closes) so I will not be able to keep reinspecting fics when things get close to the cutoff. 

After entry closes, I'll institute the Purge, whereby ridding the contest of all non-inspected fics will be legal for 24 hours (Halloween joke...haha...ha...ha). 

I will also be combining categories if they have less than 5 completed fics in them. If things stay how they are right now, Crossover will be combined with Action/Adventure and Romance and Misc will be merged. However, that is subject to change.

Then we'll go into our reading period, where I encourage all to read the eligible fics if they wish to vote in the Special Awards later on.

Anyway, get your fics in please! 

-Spooky Scary Skeleton Admin Scarlet

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