Chapter 6

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As soon as I became aware I realised I was in a dream of sorts. The lack of attention paid to my lucid dreaming had the skills a little rusty and unpredictable. Despite my consciousness I was unable to connect with my body. It was a good memory however and I chose to let it play out without worry. Besides he would choose his time to speak to me and then all would be...well, not okay but marginally better at least.

My human self was enamoured with this strange 'man' and all the bizarre world that was now opened up to me. It made sense to be curious but my foolish admiration of Leif was another matter. He was dangerous, a small voice in the back of my head kept repeating, though I'd waved that off and sipped at the wine he gave me desperate for some more of the fine luxury that surrounded me. In hindsight it was easy to see how foolish I was, a proud little girl who thought she was unbelievably clever.

"You are lovely." Leif knelt in front of me, taking the goblet from my hand and placing it on a small table beside the bed. He was smiling at me with an open mouthed smile, despite the happy facade I could see his fangs. Even without knowing the ins and outs of vampiric biology and behaviour the odd smile reminded me of an angry animal. "Absolutely wonderful."

He was watching me, head cocked in curiosity with his mouth casually agape. Even in my human state I noted the blood on his teeth and even in my human state tragic circumstances caused me to take all that in my stride. I flopped back onto the soft bed, playing with the string of pearls he'd given me, not questioning where he has gotten it to begin with.

"I am not that great." I managed through a spurt of giggles as he brought my wrist to his lips, kissing and licking at the delicate skin. Cocking my head, a tumble of curls falling across my face as I did so, I stroked the side of his face in admiration of the smooth warmth. Vampire stories, whether it was old folklore or modern romance novels always spoke of the cold skin and lifelessness. Of course I hadn't expected that since I knew nothing of such misconceptions but the warmth and life pouring from him was still shocking and intoxicating.

Dark hair hung in front of his electric green eyes darting about my face sharply. Leif, if nothing else, was always a pretty person. It wouldn't have been his choice of words but with high cheekbones, thick dark lashes and a dreamy gaze it fit. He always looked, even in death, impeccably good. Beneath all the danger vampirism handed to him there was still something innocent and boyish in Leif's face. The goodness didn't extend to his personality, of course; that would have been too much.

While my mind wondered a familiar dizziness caught me off guard and Leif's expression shifted into a knowing smirk. He pulled my hand from his cheek, holding it between both of his. I wondered what he would do, now that we were shifting from the memory and Leif in his present state was appearing. We'd both changed a lot since that particular memory. The little lick of arrogance and mischief in his eyes seemed to take over his entire being.

I felt a shake in my perception, an odd shift of things. The consciousness caught me off guard for a second, a small tremble going through my limbs as I took the body of my human self. Icy water filled my veins, rendering me motionless until my gaze shifted slightly, meeting mossy eyes that were much closer then I had realised. Before I could stop myself the tears started flowing, ugly sobs chocking me as I tried to speak.

"Oh dear..." Leif reached to wipe away a tear as I regained my ability to move, leaping forward to wrap m arms around his neck. The result was a collusion of limbs and body that, while completely uncomfortable, caused a choked giggle to make my throat momentarily break through my tears. Once I managed to get into to the position I was aiming for, bodies pressed close together, my face pressed into the warmth of his neck, I tried to calm down. "You are a very ugly crier, have I ever told you that?"

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