Giving You No Time

Start from the beginning

“Hold on, first I’d like to know if Percy is okay with this. Then, I need you to understand this is an important responsibility that you must take very seriously. You are at least 20, right? 18 is alright, but you’ll be taken more seriously if you are a little older…”

“I take this very seriously. Percy means more to me than anything. I’ll do whatever I can for him. And I am exactly 20, recently turned,” Luke said firmly.

“I’m okay with it,” Percy tiredly gave a half-grin. “I trust Luke.”

Luke signed the documents and felt lighter than he ever had in his life.

“When we get there, you’ll need to sign some papers okaying Percy taking chemo at that hospital. I’ll try to help with the insurance stuff, since you probably don’t have any idea, but the two of you should eat some of that food you bought beforehand. I know how much you hate hospital food, Percy, and as soon as we get there they’ll make you eat to get your sugar levels up and so you’ll have more energy.”

Percy blanched at that, and had enough energy to scramble to his father and take the food Luke had bought earlier from the ship restaurant. He began chowing down, with the others laughing at him. Luke began cutting up the steak for him, as Percy finished up his baked potato, and then Luke began feeding Percy the steak.

Percy pouted, “What did I tell you? I can feed myself!”

Luke rolled his eyes, “That was with that shampoo. And like I said, just let me baby you.”

They finished up the food by the time they reached the hospital, and Luke scooped up Percy into his arms, carrying him into the hospital with the others following behind him.

Percy was admitted and put into a room all by himself, and two gods and a demigod settled in for the long haul.

“Gentlemen, this is Doctor Ruthor. He’ll be taking care of Percy until I’m officially transferred over here,” Doctor Lawrence introduced them to a younger doctor, looking tired but kind.

“I’ll have to leave you for now, since I’m still talking with my superiors, but they like Percy so I’m sure my transfer will go smoothly. For now, I’ll leave you with Doctor Ruthor.”

Doctor Ruthor waited until he was gone before turning to the others.

“Theodore Ruthor, Son of Apollo, the other god of medicine,” he smiled kindly. “It’s nice to meet you all, Lords, fellow demigods.”

Both gods nodded, while Luke tensed though Percy lit up in excitement and leaned over closer.

“I am Poseidon, and my son Perseus is the one being admitted,” the god of sea started off.

“I’m Hermes, my son Luke,” Hermes ended.

“I’ll try to help as much as I can. If you need anything, just ask for me. I’ll leave my personal numbers as well, just in case.”

“You use phones? Isn’t that dangerous?” Luke snapped.

“I’m a doctor. It’s kind of hard not to have one. I just deal with it,” Ruthor shrugged with a grin. “Monsters come, I try to deal with them quickly, and then I get to work. Besides, I’m weak enough that most of them don’t even bother with me. Which actually works for me, because then I can focus on my work.”

Luke grunted an acceptance, trying not to brood.

And so started Percy’s stay in the hospital.

It started off slow, with them taking care of Percy and trying to get him healthy and ready enough to start. And then they did start him on chemotherapy. The effects were quick to appear, with Percy throwing up repeatedly.

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