
My phone kept ringing and ringing. Of course I didn't answer. I can't hurt him anymore with what I might say to him.
"Even though I call you, you don't answer."

She wasn't answering me. I started to feel weak in the chest as I kept looking at the screen of my phone seeing it go to voice mail over five times.
"I always thought breakups weren't hard, but they are with you."

Even though I wanted to answer I just couldn't. But I wanted to tell him that I loved him still...
"I want to have you again."

"I press your number, please answer."
"I'm getting impatient. I'm going to see you."

I grabbed my car keys, hopped in, and went to her house. The house we used to share together.

I sat on my kitchen counter and cried not knowing what to do about Taemin and all these missed calls. Oh shoot! I forgot about Namjoon! I should call him and apologize for what happened. I called him but he took a while to answer me.

"Namjoon ah...I'm really sorry about what happened earlier."
"So you two did have something going on before?" he asked.
"Yes but I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't want you to feel a certain way towards him. I just wanted everyone to be friendly you know?"

As I was explaining, I heard someone calling my name from outside. It sounded like...

"I get it. But you should've just told me the truth." Namjoon said through the phone.
"Uh yeah..." I was distracted by the sound of my name. I looked outside and Taemin was at the door.
"No!" I yelled.
"Ari? Are you okay??"
"Umm...yeah I'm okay." I lied.

"Ari let me in! I need to talk to you!" Taemin yelled at my door.

I closed the curtain and ran back into the kitchen.

Taemin POV:
Dammit! Why won't she answer the door! I looked into the window the best I could but saw nothing. Wait... This used to be my house too! I still have the key in my car! I ran to my car and grabbed the key as quickly as I could.

Ari POV:

"Namjoon, I do love you but I-"

My front door opened.

"Ari?" Namjoon asked through the phone.

I stayed quiet. Was Taemin in my house?? Dammit! I never did get the key from him! Next thing I knew he was in my kitchen, and we were face to face once again.

"Why are you here?" I asked.
"Because I'm sorry. Minho explained everything to me today about what happened and I now know that it's not your fault. I'm sorry for not believing you when you told me you didn't mean for it to happen. And I'm sorry I left you when I promised you I'd stay right by your side." He said coming closer to me with every word.

"Ari? Who's with you??"

I had forgotten Namjoon was still on the phone.

"I'm sorry that I never thought about how you felt and I was too stubborn to listen to you. You make me everything I was meant to be. I know now that our love never really faded away and neither one of us got over each other because if we did, I wouldn't be standing here right now telling you that I love you and you wouldn't love me back."

My tears flowed endlessly at what Taemin had to say. I was so overwhelmed that all I could do was cry.

"Taemin ah... I'm sorry..."
He came closer to me and took the phone from my hand and pressed end.
"Don't be sorry."

He held my hand and I went completely weak in my arms. 

"I still love you Ari. And I'm still gonna live up to the commitments I made to you. I'll stay with you, be with you, raise a family with you, and I'll love you more than anyone ever could."

Did he really mean all this?

"Now answer me this. Do you really love that guy?"
I stayed silent and looked away.
"Tell me you love me."

I was finally able to look him in the eyes. I did love him. More than anything.

"I love you Lee Taemin."

He smiled at me. A real, genuine smile. A smile I've been missing and yearning to see. I smiled back and as if he's been holding it in, he kissed me with full passion. Starting off with small pecks one after another after another. Then it became deeper. He moved me to my room and he really showed me he loved me from then on to the rest of the night.

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