Chapter 1 ( Guess who's at the door?)

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Lucy's P.O.V.

After all that's happened, I can't stop thinking about you Kouta. Standing here at your door, knowing that deep inside I want nothing more than to live happy with you. We could all be a family but is that just all in my head? I killed your family after all. I caused you so much pain. Why would you want to see me, why would you even want to look at me, I don't even want to look at myself. Maybe if we never met that day, you wouldn't have been so upset. I caused you so much burden. I'm a walking curse. Even if you can't have me in your life, I want you to know that the day we met was the happiest I ever been in all my existence. I didn't ask to be born this way and you didn't ask for what happened to your life. That was all on me, I know that now and this voice, this monster inside me will never let me be with you, none of you....

I knew in my heart this was true. I could only stand at the door as I hear Kouta's and Yuka's voice from inside. I heard him wondering who was at the door as his foot steps slowly approached and the clock from inside suddenly started to work. My feet where glued to this place but somehow I forced myself to move, knowing it tore me apart. I gentle breeze blew and loose leaves and flower petals danced in the wind. I watched from a distance as Kouta opened the door, seemingly questioning whether he was seeing thing. No one was there when he opened the door and he looked around for signs of anyone for a minute before he shut it again.

All I ever had was gone now. I'd never stop watching over them but it was now time to do what I was born to do, the thing that was destined to be done. Maybe it is inevitable for this world to be dominated by my race. If I didn't do it, another diclonius would do it anyway, without hesitation, without mercy and the human race would just be doomed....again. I fought so hard to stay in control, it's what Kouta and the others would want, it's what I would want...but this "DNA Voice" as the scientist called it was fully in control. It took advantage of my weak emotional state. Surprisingly it felt good not to resist it, it felt natural and right....and in that instance, my revenge seemed to be repeating itself, even after all that's happened but it just seems I'll have more work to do, a bigger army to slay and a stronger ambition to rid this world of humans.

It was like this world was tainting me, the urge to kill raged through me like an addiction but even as a human male passed by me, I didn't killer him. Simply because it would be better to have more human alive to give the vector virus to. Infect the men and kill the woman and once then men have done their jobs, kill them to. Mercy is for no-one and with that, my last tear was shed.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

It felt good outside. The breeze was perfect and it was a great time for a little music. Personally I thought the world needed it. The whole world was going crazy after hearing about this new species called diclonius that the government was trying to hide from everyone. I've been living here all my life and have never seen one. Leaked footage of the government shooting down some innocent pink haired girl in the past made me think they were the enemy if anything else. However I didn't want to believe the stories, who would? It's totally scary but if that's not convincing, they recently finished an all out war with something...or someone. I knew that was no joke when I heard all the loud shooting, a huge explosion and the screams of men that sounded like they were being ripped in half or something. And to think people wonder why I stay in my house all the time.

Times like these are when I get out my violin and just walk around playing, putting a smile on the faces of the people I pass. We are all under a lot of stress over this. We need answers and the government won't give them to us. I wouldn't be surprised if the next day they all pretended like nothing happened. I tried not to think about it. I took a deep  a deep breath and began tuning my violin before starting my musical walk through town. I guess that was one thing I was known for around here. A lot of people, especially the older woman, see me as shy and the musical type. I really don't like music, my parents sort of forced me to play but since I have the skill, I might as well use it. I've been alone for a while. Woman aren't something I know a lot about but the lone wolf life is alright. Though I often get teased because of what I wear. There's nothing wrong with suits as far as I know. Though I agree that I don't have to look like I'm going to a recital everyday but my parents instilled it into me. " Always dress sharp, people will expect great things from you!" I heard mother and father's cold and strict voice say in my head.

I tried to shake them out of my thoughts as I began playing a tune. It's a new piece I've been working on called Lillium's Descent. I've been thinking about turning it into a song on a music box. Usually when I make new pieces, I like to play it in town to see what everyone thinks of it. I knew my answer when they all started to swarm me in order to listen to the melodic sound. When they did this, my stage fright did grow a little but for once in all these months of bloody murders and mysterious incidents, things were starting to feel normal again.

Elfen Lied (LucyxMaleReader) Lillium's DescentWhere stories live. Discover now