Chapter 2 - You Don't Want Me

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"I'll be fine here, it's only a few months until I turn 18. Besides maybe you can sneak me in to live in their bathroom, I heard it's quite big," I joked, remembering my conversation with Bandit.

"Well I guess we'll have to see what happens, they may choose you."

"They won't," I said definitely, Zoe was about to say something else but I cut her off, "wanna jam to some music?" I asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Sure," she shrugged. I plugged my iPod into our portable speaker and started blasting an old school playlist.

We started to dance around our room and singing along, enjoying the rare amount of fun we have. After a couple of songs, I pulled out my cigarettes and sat on our windowsill to have a smoke, earning a disapproving look from Zoe.

"You shouldn't do that..."

"I started a long time ago kiddo, it's hard to stop."

"Are you smoking young lady?" I heard the shrill voice of the witch behind me. I turned around to see the Ways again standing behind a fuming looking Hopkins.

"No, I'm communicating with the devil, what does it look like?" I said in my sassiest tone. I saw both Gerard and Lindsay look to each other and smirk, it seems as though they don't like the witch either.

"Put that out now!" She yelled, going red.

"I mean I'd rather not, they're getting expensive now, that's kind of a waste..." I trailed off when I saw the murderous expression in her eyes, so with a sigh and a smirk I put it out on my windowsill and threw it down into the garden. If push comes to shove, I can go down there later on and smoke the rest.

"And turn this racket off," she yelled, walking over to the speaker and turning it off.

"Aw c'mom that was a good tune!" I complained, it was Iron Man by Black Sabbath, which is an awesome song.

"Gerard and Lindsay Way have something they would like to say to the both of you," she said, changing the subject and looking towards the two of them.

Gerard looked at Lindsay, obviously signalling for her to do the talking, something tells me that he doesn't really do awkward situations.

"Yes, we came here looking for one child to adopt but after talking to the both of you and hearing Bandit's thoughts on the matter we would like to adopt the both of you. You both seem too close to separate and we think you're lovely girls that will  fit right into our family."

Zoe's jaw dropped in awe but I stayed stoical, not trusting the fact that this entire situation was too good to be true.

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Gerard asked, eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Well why do you care about not separating us? Nobody's cared about that in the past, we're not important enough to care about, we're orphans."

"Well we care, we aren't your normal couple, as you can imagine," Lindsay replied with a kind smile.

"Thank you so much!" Zoe exclaimed, eyes wide in disbelief. The look of happiness on her face brought a small smile to my face, so I gave in for now and decided not to cause any unnecessary drama.

"Guess we should start packing then Zo," I said, smiling at her and reaching for the small suitcase underneath my bed.

She practically ran to find the suitcase under her bed and started shoving random things into it as quickly as possible. I chuckled slightly at her excitement before packing my things at a slightly slower pace.

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