Chapter 8 - I Think This Day Is Finally Over, It Only Took 5 Chapters - By P!ATD

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"Star Wars reinvented sci-fi for an entire generation of people, how can you possibly not like it?" Gerard say, whilst scowling at a smirking Frank from across the room.

"Quite easily really," he replied bluntly, seemingly annoying Gerard even more.

"Ugh you can't have an argument about it if you don't actually explain why you don't like it Frank!"

"Gee, I think he's just trying to annoy you again..." Mikey said, smiling slightly at the two of them.

Gerard looked over to where Mikey was standing next to me and scowled even more.

"Yeah well it's working..." He said, crossing his arms in a sulk.

"Gerard you are too easy," Frank said laughing from where he sat on the floor.

"I know, he is, isn't he?" Lindsay added slyly, catching on to the double meaning.

I snorted from behind my hand, making Gerard turn to me and raise his eyebrows sassily.

"Sorry... I, uh, just really wasn't expecting that kinda comment," I said whilst trying unsuccessfully to hold back a smile.

"Well you're feeling better then," he commented, not letting onto the real reason I left the dinner table.

"Yeah, well having a rest helped," I shrugged, before pausing and adding, "besides, I thought I'd humour you."

He raised an eyebrow before chuckling slightly, "c'mon, sit down kid."

"Not a kid," I shot at him before sitting down next to Frank on the floor.

"Sorry kid, but you are," Frank smirked.

"I thought you'd be the cool one here..." I grumbled, my mouth turning up in the corner.

"I am!" He protested, looking mildly offended.

"You used to be cool Frankie," Gerard cut in, "but you're old now..."

He scoffed and stuck his tongue out at Gerard, causing the rest of us to laugh at their exchange.

"So what are your thoughts on Star Wars then" Gerard turned his head to me and asked, "bearing in mind your answer will affect me emotionally."

I looked at him blankly for a moment before answering, "I don't know, I've never seen it. I've been busy having a life these past few years."

He started to scowl again whilst everyone else laughed at his expense; though I could see the corners of his mouth twitch as he was fighting a smile of his own so I knew I wasn't in too much trouble.

"Well unluckily for you, we're watching the fourth one, so you won't understand anything at all," he stuck his tongue out at me like a four year old and proceeded to crawl to the TV to put the DVD on.

"Oh no, you really have shown me," I deadpanned back at him.

After a few more witty exchanges between Frank, Gerard and I the film started playing, which proceeded to be the longest couple of hours of my life. It was so boring that Zoe and Bandit fell asleep leaning on each other which was probably the most entertaining thing to happen through the duration of the film.

The only people who seemed captivated by it was Mikey, Lindsay and, of course, Gerard. Even Ray, who seemed to be the most level-headed person of the four men switched off at some point to play games on his phone. As for Frank, he spent most of the time fidgeting next to me and throwing in a few complaints every now and then.

"Shh!" Gerard harshly whispered after the third complaint.

"It's easy for you to say, me and Taylor have to sit on the floor like animals!" he said earnestly, "my butt hurts!"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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