Chapter 2 - You Don't Want Me

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"Aaaand this here is my humble abode..." I finished our little tour with my room, gesturing to the beat up furniture and mouldy walls with a flourish.

The poor kid looked around with wide eyes, this was probably one of the first time she's witnessed the possibility that not everyone is as lucky as her.

"My bathroom is bigger than your bedroom," she said in awe.

"Is it now, well what a lucky one you are small human," it seems the nickname had stuck, despite now knowing she's called bandit.

"You can come live in my bathroom! Even if mummy and daddy chooses someone else, I can sneak you in!" She exclaimed, starting to pace and formulate a little plan in her head.

"I don't think that's possible," I said chuckling, "but thank you for your consideration anyway." I fell into my bed, putting my hands behind my head and crossing my ankles, just as the Ways came into my room escorted by the witch.

"Taylor!" She snapped at me, "did nobody ever tell you not to kidnap people's children!"

"Says the women running an orphanage, seems like you didn't get the memo either.." I replied in a bored tone.

I heard someone snigger, the sound of a woman say 'shh', a slap and a manly voice say 'ow!'. So I assume Gerard found my comment quite funny then...

"Taylor would you kindly stand up and talk to this lovely couple here, so they can get to know you better," Hopkins said with a stressed tone. It's safe to assume I won't be getting any dinner tonight...

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bed, glancing at Gerard and Lindsey, waiting for someone to say something.

"So..." Gerard started awkwardly, "tell us about yourself."

"There's no point, you won't pick me. I'll rot in here till I turn 18 before Hopkins here kicks me to the curb, and you'll choose someone else. Although I do recommend Zoe, she's a great kid, like a sister to me, and she deserve to get out of this Hell hole."

Gerard and Lindsey looked at each other as Bandit jumped up and down in front of them.

"I want her to be my big sister! Tay Tay is the best!" She demanded. I could tell from the beginning that Bandit had Gerard wrapped around her little finger, Lindsay however, seemed to be the parent of the family. I guess Bandit got her strong will from her instead of Gerard, which I found incredibly amusing.

"Well we're going to have to talk about it together Bee, this is a big decision we have to make," Lindsay said.

"Take your time, it's not like any of us are going anywhere," I said, I'm not too sure whether the statement was meant to sound smug or bitter but I get the feeling it sounded more like the latter.

Hopkins ushered them away from me as fast as she could, probably worrying about her reputation being tarnished, that didn't stop the three of them smiling broadly at me before leaving.

They're all really nice, if it wasn't for Zoe I may have sold myself a little better but I wanted her to have a loving family so much that I didn't care.

Thoughts of her made me wonder where she had gotten to, but before I had a chance to worry she barrelled into my room with the biggest grin on her face.

"Oh my god! Gerard and Lindsay Way are adopting someone at our orphanage! This is amazing," she gushed, jumping up and down in the middle of our room.

"Let's hope they pick you hey?" I said, smirking at her reaction.

"What about you?" She stopped jumping and asked.

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