Chapter 13: Possibility

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One thought ran through Kaden's mind, it was that Evangeline was losing it. She was battling the hardest battle of her life and he couldn't help her. They had been together throughout all this from the moment they had been born into their families, there was no way he was leaving her half way, they were going to finish this battle together.

Evangeline lay on his chest as he ran his fingers through her blond hair. He remembered the night before. He had never seen Evangeline so fragile and weak, and yet at the same time she had been the strongest person he had seen. To fight off such a dark entity, something that had destroyed men for centuries, she was fighting off it's call that drove men insane. She ran away to protect him from herself. He wondered if he would be able to do that? He was too selfish, he couldn't bare being away from Evangeline. They had never been apart. They were trained together as children and fought alongside each other as adults. She had always been a part of her life. To just leave her, he couldn't do it. He would miss her too much.

"Kaden?" Evangeline's soft voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Yes my love?"

"I had wanted to run away last night, to live alone with the amulet so no one would have to go through this torture, but I think we need to go back to Adaresa. I think there might be an answer to destroy this thing. Odette should know of one, she has read almost everything there is to know about Gywith, or she would at least know what book we could look in. But..." she took in a deep breath. "Please don't leave me alone. I can't fight him off on my own, I need you."

"I will give you all my strength Eva, I believe in you. I will never leave your side, you are sort of stuck with me," he teased trying to get her to smile.

Evangeline let out a light chuckle, running a pattern on his chest with her finger making goosebumps appear on his skin. "If this were a few weeks ago I would have either killed you or myself upon hearing that."

"But now you are head over heels in love with me," Kaden smirked as Evangeline leaned her head up to look at him.

"I could say the same about you, you know?" she raised a brow challengingly.

His smirk morphed into a sweet smile. "Oh trust me, I know very well because I really am head over heels for you."

"Thank you," she whispered. Kaden leaned down and captured her lips with his. Evangeline didn't hesitate before returning his kiss with her own, adding more intensity to her kiss.

"Well, well, well... Look what we have here," a voice said, breaking them apart. Kaden was immediately on his feet, as was Evangeline who had reached for her weapon only to remember she had left it back at their earlier campsite. Kaden immediately stepped in front of Evangeline to protect her from the man.

Kaden sized up the man. He was an archer, he had his bow and arrow aimed at them. Kaden looked around to see if there was anyone with the archer, they were alone. That made their chances better, even though the man was at an advantage with his long distance weapon.

Kaden had tried reaching for his weapon but the man warned against it by shooting an arrow and grazing Kaden's arm. Kaden winced in pain touching his blood covered arm. The man knew how to use an arrow. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Not unless you want your pretty little lover to see you die in front of her."

Evangeline stepped in front of Kaden marching up to the man. Kaden tried grabbing her wrist but she shook him off. The archer looked confused, not sure where to point his arrow anymore. He decided to point it at Evangeline. "Come any closer and I will kill you."

"Don't you dare touch one hair on her," Kaden threatened but no one seemed to listen to him, not with what Evangeline was offering. She held out Lord Gywith's amulet. The archer's eyes twinkled as he eyed it.

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