Chapter 2: Better

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The king dismissed the meeting and declared a "parting" ball for those in the palace. It was his way of honoring those who gave to the king. Plus, the king always liked himself a party. As soon as they were dismissed, Odette knew as well as her sister what was waiting for them. From the look on the lord of Caderis' face, she assumed Julien and Kaden were probably going to go through the same thing. Evangeline gave her an assuring smile as if she was trying to protect her in any way possible. Odette was grateful to have a sister like Evangeline, although she felt like she was failing as an older sister. She was supposed to be the one to protect and comfort her, not the other way around. Eva has always kept her feelings to herself, always kept her walls up, which left Odette feeling helpless. She thought the day Eva ever opened up to someone would be a miracle.

Odette linked arms with her sister taking strength from her as they made their way to their quarters. The east wing was given to the Mirari's while the left was given to the Caderis' to avoid further conflict. The two sisters made their way into the common room of the wing where they found their mother talking to one of the maids. Her eyes then looked behind Odette's shoulders before worry lines crept around her eyes. Odette held back a shudder as the door slammed shut behind her, her grip tightened on her sister's arm.

"All of you! Out!" Her father barked orders as the maids scurried like frightened mice out of the room. Her mother left along with them, she usually liked to be far from their father when he was angry. They didn't blame her for running away and leaving them with him. She was what their father feared they'd become. She was wed to her father by force as a business deal over a piece of land. That's why Odette had to be queen. She would not become her mother.

Once alone, the sisters turned to look at the Lord of Mirari who in turn was glaring at his daughters. "You are supposed to be better than those Caderis."

He spat it out like he had tasted something disgusting.

"But father-"

"No buts," he said. "During your journey, I need you two to definitely stand out. By the end of your trip, I want the king to be blown away and for the court to be fawning over you. Now, get ready for the ball. I want you two to be the center of attention."

"Yes father," the girls said at the same time. Odette knew just as well as Eva that there was no point in arguing with their father. Ever since a young age, he's been filling them with hate for those of Caderis. In a way, she was grateful. Women's only power was being used as a bargaining ship for either peace or riches. Their father wanted to give them titles people dream and fear for. Despite all this, she felt like pawns in a game their father was playing to shame the lord of Caderis.

The lord smiled at his daughters' obedience before getting up and leaving the chamber.

Odette let out a sigh as soon as he was gone. "Sometimes I wish I can fail to spite father if it weren't for the need of not letting Julien surpass me."

Evangeline agreed. "I'm just waiting for the day we succeed and for when father stops complaining, and most importantly seeing Kaden's devastated face when he sees that I have won."

Odette laughed and agreed with her sister. She could see the fuel that raged inside her when speaking of Kaden. "Although, it would be easier to hate Julien if he wasn't so handsome."

Odette couldn't deny it one bit, not even if she wanted to. Julien was handsome, he had the Caderis gene of dark brown hair and sea green eyes that ran in the family. Though Julien was thinner than Kaden since he spent more time studying instead of training, Odette thought it made him seem more gentle. Someone gentle, unlike her father's hard demeanor. Even though they fought all the time, he was never too harsh. She noticed he was careful in not stepping over a line. She sometimes imagined he was protecting her in way, not that she'd ever admit to anyone in fear of sounding like a hopeless girl. That was the last thing she needed when the crown was so close to her grasp.

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