Chapter 6: Gywith

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On their way to the castle, Julien felt something was very off. The men of the guard seemed tense and he watched his brother share worried looks with Evangeline. If they knew something, they weren't saying it. Julien didn't speak about the weird feeling that has been bothering him just as everyone else had kept quiet too.

The guards of the castle of Gywith stopped their party upon arrival. Only two officials were allowed in along with one guard per official. Easy to say, Julien, Odette, his brother, and Evangeline entered. Something heavy fell on his shoulders as they entered the castle. Julien felt very uncomfortable and from the looks of those around him, so did they. He noticed his brother and Evangeline keeping their hands close to their swords.

Two men opened the doors to the king's throne room upon mentioning their arrival. The four entered and gave the king a small nod and courtesy in respect but they did not bow because their pride and royal title forbade them.

"Rise Adereseans," he ordered. "State your being here."

"Your highness," Julien started since he was the type of leader with a voice that demanded authority and that people listened to. "We've come to make sure our kingdoms' negotiations still stand."

Julien went with the dialogue they had decided on while planning back at camp.

"Our negotiations?" The king feigned confusion, Julien could tell from the cunning look in the king's eyes.

"Yes your highness, the peace between our lands," Julien kept his cool not liking the king's attitude.

"It's just we've heard rumours that seem to put your treaty with Aderesa in danger," said Odette. The king looked at her with disgust, not trying to hide his distaste. Julien assumed that the king probably did not appreciate women in court.

The king looked at them for a while. It took him a moment before he answered with a smile. "I feel offended that your court thinks so little of me. How can I ever break our negotiations?"

Julien looked at Odette and he could read her as easily as she was reading him, the king's smug expression left a bad expression but they couldn't say anything to offend him in his own kingdom and risk a war. Either way, things weren't looking good. Julien knew he had to get back to Aderesa immediately so that they may warn the king.

"Please, just as your king won't break our contract then how can I?" the king insisted seeing that they weren't satisfied. Julien thought that the king's voice sounded sincere but the amused look in his eyes showed how he was playing them like pieces on a chess board.

"Very well, would you like me to deliver anything to our King for when we return?" asked Odette.

The king scoffed.

His eyes burned into Odette as if he was trying to end her right there. "Yes, if he wishes to send someone from his court to speak to me then he should not send a woman."

Julien opened his mouth to speak, but Odette held his hand to silence him. He squeezed her hand in anger, breathing out his nose trying to calm himself. He couldn't say anything out of place in case it got them killed. Taking in another breath, he tried again. "As you please your highness."

The king smiled in satisfaction at his answer. He dismissed them and Julien couldn't wait to leave feeling like he was about to do something stupid. Odette held his hand on the way out, being his rock and he thought maybe he was being her rock too. Kaden and Evangeline were hot on their heels. They didn't speak to their men waiting outside the castle. They waited until they were back at the camp sight and away from Gywith ears.

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