Its not silly

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* We all knew this was gonna happen yet it's just as adorable every time !*
Word count:466

No. no, no no ! This has to be wrong !' You tell yourself as you begin to bury your head in your hands , bent over on the bed. Then you find yourself holding your knees to your chest as you begin to hyperventilate.

After panic attack after panic attack , your shaky hands reach for your phone.

-help.  [ (y/n).W] 1:50pm

*time skip*

You lay there for hours waiting for him before you felt a sharp pain in your stomach and cried out in pain. " Oh my god ! Breathe ." You try tell yourself before collapsing in the streets. Bystanders quickly rushed to your side as you began to have another panic attack. You faintly pick up the sound of sirens in the distance as you begin to loose consciousness.

* time skip*

After being discharged from hospital you head back to your hotel and start packing so that you can move again.

- I'm sorry, I'm been in a meeting all day, what's wrong ? Where are you ? [M.H] 6:00pm

Feeling your phone vibrate you get pulled back to reality, still half dazed after being so physically drained you call him on the phone after reading the text. After 2 rings he picks up, " (y/n) ? Please tell me you're safe ? Where are you, have-"
" Mycroft -"
"I was so worried, what if you had-"
"IM PREGNANT," you blurt out. Then the line goes silent as you begin to think you should hang up. You try to fix it, " I'm sorry. I only found out today myself. Y-you don't have to ... I won't make you ... i-"
"(Y/n)," once you're silent he continues, " I love you and the idea of being a father is great. I just didn't answer because I'm scared I won't make a good father or thought you'd be mad at me for getting you pregnant in the first place." ' Did he really just say that ?' " I love you too, you'd make a great father I'm sure." Then silence followed.

" I'm scarred too, I thought you'd tell me you hated children or didn't want to move this fast. I'm in Germany by the way."
"When will you be back ?" He asks ,clearly trying to stay calm.
"2 days... where do you want to go with this ?"
"Make it offical and hope for the best. We'll announce it at the upcoming Christmas party. If, of course, you don't mind meeting my parents?" He hesitates.
" Of course not.... hey Mycroft ? I know this is going to sound silly but would you stay with me until I fall asleep?"
"It is not silly dear, I'll stay as long as you need," you can hear his proud ass stupid smirk in his voice.

Try Not to Bleed Out... (Reader x Mycroft Holmes)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن