"Or we could have gone DC! We could have been Harley Quinn and The Joker." Luke said. His face lit up like a little kid when he thought about all the other costume ideas we could have done. I was with him on that one. Us guys should have choose this year.

"Okay lets go before Luke throws another fit." Carter interrupted and pushed away from the counter.

As we all trailed out of the apartment and stood in the hallway I was bumped by a shoulder hard. Glaring once more at Gage as he sent me a smug look. I glared after him as he held Carter's hand and lead her down the hallway.

Yes there was something weird about that guy and I was going to find out what.


Gage's Pov

We were a good hour into the party and it wasn't absolutely terrible. Sure I wanted to be somewhere else or do something else with Carter but I wasn't complaining. I was leaning against a wall with a beer in my hand as I watched my girlfriend talk with her friends.

It still felt weird saying the word 'girlfriend'. It wasn't because I didn't want Carter to be mine or anything like that. I just never had a seriously girlfriend so the word was foreign on my tongue.

As I watched her talk to her friends I couldn't help but smile. She looked beautiful in her Belle costume, which she told me was really just a yellow dress she had bought. I thought she looked beautiful in anything so I didn't care.

When Carter told me what we were dressing up as I was a little hesitant at first. I mean Disney, really? I was with Luke on this one, we should have done Marvel or DC themed. Seeing Carter in a Harley Quinn outfit would have been a fantastic sight to see.

When it came to my costume I was firm on not wearing some dumb ass mask so I would look like the Beast from the movie. And I wasn't going to have Carter put some makeup shit on my face to make me look like it either. So instead we settled on me wearing a ripped up white dress shirt that showed some of my chest, as well as some black trousers. Car said it was close to something in the movie which was fine by me. It wasn't the worst costume.

I had it easy compared to Luke or even Ethan. With Luke wearing baggy, genie type pants and a small tiny hat just like Aladdin, but it wasn't terrible. Ethan was stuck wearing what looked like actual pants that Flynn Ryder would wear along with a semi matching shirt.

Something was up with Galloway. Ever since he showed up he hasn't stopped staring at me or at Carter. The way he was looking at her made me want to keep her by my side forever. He was looking at her like she was his and that she belonged to him. Well he lost his chance and I wasn't giving her up, not without a fight either.

All these years Carter has been in love with him but he has been too blind to see it. He couldn't see what was right in front of him the entire time. Carter was incredible and knowing that she liked me made me feel like the lucky one in this relationship. It is not often you find a girl like Carter; someone who is smart, kind, funny, caring, and feisty. If Ethan was starting to realize he has feelings for her it was too late.

Seeing Car looking over at me silently asking if I was okay made me smile. She knew I didn't have any other friends beside her and Dylan and it was sweet that she was making sure I was okay.

This scene didn't bother me. In fact before Carter I use to attend plenty of parties here on campus. It was a good way to just forget about classes and the bullshit of life. I could easily score girls at parties which was just another reason to come.

The thing is I am not this loser, unpopular guy. Everyone around campus knew who I was because of stupid rumors and because girls would always brag about sleeping with me, most I never slept with. I just became the schools 'bad boy'. The title seemed to get everyones attention and before I knew it I was being invited to parties, getting asked by girls to dance or go somewhere quieter. It was like they were obligated to invite me because I was somehow cool.

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