Chapter 1. Beginning.

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Y/N = Your Name
E/C = Eye Color
F/C = Favorite Color
F/B = Favorite Book
H/C = Hair Color
H/L = Hair Length
You are 18 years old.

Now read -3-

2nd POV

It was just an ordinary day.
The clouds were out hovering over the town blocking the sun and fog creeping across the streets.
You were walking down the street reading F/B, wearing nothing more than a F/C jacket, sweatpants and converse.
You kept walking and not paying attention, accidentally bumped into a small group of three girls.
"Oh I'm sorry!" You said scrambling for words as you dropped your book.
One if the girls looked at you with disgust and shoved you onto the pavement.
"Watch where you're walking you blind bat!" She yelled while flipping her hair to the side.
Her friends all giggled and pointed at you.
You got angry, you was furious.
You stood up and glared at her. "Don't. Do. That." You growled, your H/L H/C hair covered one side of your face.
She just smirked and shoved you again, only this time, she shoved harder and when you landed on the ground, your hands were scraped, starting to sting.
"Oh you've done it now." You mumbled.
You grabbed your pocket knife which you kept for protection, in your jacket and jumped up, stabbing the girl in the throat without even thinking twice.
Blood spewed everywhere as her friends shrieked and ran away in horror.
Covered in blood you panicked.
You stood by the body for a few minutes, frozen, wondering what the hell just came over you, then you heard sirens.
"Oh no." You said.
The fog had grown thick and the sirens grew loud.
You left your book on the ground and ran, it dat in a puddle of the dead girls blood.
You didn't know where you going as long as it was somewhere where you thought you couldn't be found.
The blood that soaked through your jacket was now sticking to your chest, you were breathing in the metallic scent.
Your legs started to get weak as you sprinted into the woods, the sirens now growing quiet.
You were in the middle of the forest, gasping for air as you stooped over, your hands on your knees.
Your heart was racing fast, sweat dripping from your forehead, your blood covered knife in your hand.
'Crunch' 'Crunch'
You felt your heart nearly stop as you heard footsteps around you.
"What the hell is going on?" You muttered, squeezing your eyes shut.
You then felt a tall figure standing over you.
Your eyes shot open and you looked up, a faceless figure, skinny and wearing a suit, stood over you, staring down at you.
"W-What the fuck are you?!" You yelled in shock, trembling as you stood up straight and backed away.
The figure didn't say anything, only continued to state down at you as it offered you a hand.
You swallowed a hard gulp, the scent of the blood that stained you growing stronger in your nose.
"Come with me, child."
You fainted.

[Edited, June 15th, 2019]

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