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"louis," harry slurred into louis' shoulder, "where we goin?"

louis had rounded everyone up at the club and they were now all packed into harry's car, liam driving due to the fact he had only had one drink and was pretty sober. louis and harry were together in the back, letting niall sit happily in the front seat.

"we're taking your drunk arse home, harold." he shook his head dramatically, in a disappointed manner. "thought you could handle your alcohol!"

"yeah, styles! you were minutes away from taking that little twink home!" niall cackled, "how does it feel knowing you attract people of every gender?"

"flattering." harry gave a lazy smile, head still leaned onto louis' shoulder, lips brushing against louis' collarbones.

"and here i thought you'd end up bringing louis' to bed." liam laughed, taking a peek at harry and louis through the mirror.

"first of all, i'd never go to bed with someone so drunk out of his mind while i'm fully aware. consent, li li. secondly, frog face over here isn't my type." he winked, nudging harry jokingly.

harry pouted, finally looking up at louis, "i'm hot! don't be mean." louis giggled, "all those guys at the club certainly seemed to agree."

"yeah? is that how you got yourself so drunk? too many drinks being sent your way?" niall turned around in his seat to face harry. harry simply shrugged and went back to his original position. once he saw harry's eyes close, he turned to louis and wiggled his eyebrows lazily at him. louis stuck his tongue out at him.

the rest of the car ride consisted of silence from everyone but the radio. harry ended up falling asleep on louis' shoulder probably due to all the soft pets from louis.


by the time they got home, it was around 12:35am- which admittedly was a bit early for a night out in louis' opinion. liam, being the strongest of the four, helped louis bring harry up to their apartment.

"fuck," louis groaned under harry'a dead weight, "thanks, li. i would've never been able to bring him up meself." he positioned him to lean on his back while liam held his other side to prevent him from collapsing on louis. he took out his key and opened the door.

"yeah, don't worry about it. your little self wouldn't have been able to carry him two steps," he laughed causing louis to scowl at him.

"yeah, yeah. help me bring him in, would you?" he said bitterly, "let's lay him on the couch."

they struggled to set him down comfortably, with louis almost falling over twice, but thankfully the limp weight had finally been dropped.

louis sighed in relief, "alright well, thanks again, li."

"yeah, no problem. always happy to help you out with your mans."

"okay, first of all, never say 'mans' again in your entire life. secondly, he's not my mans. now out." he pushed liam out the door, smiling once more before slamming the door on his face. "goodnight!"

he turned around, sighing at finally being alone and getting some peace and quiet. he looked over at the couch where harry was currently sprawled out on. he walked over to it and lifted harry's legs to make room for himself to sit.


harry made no sign of acknowledgement.

"well, maybe you're too drunk to even remember what happened tonight." louis chuckled. "i wish you'd wake up though."

he didn't want to let harry sleep on the couch, as it wasn't exactly the most comfortable couch in the world. he sighed, patting harry one last time on the legs before getting up. he repositioned his legs on the couch in a more comfortable way.

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