Chapter five

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A/N so I completely forgot that I was posting this on here.. I have had writers block for months and hadn't  written past chapter 10 so I forgot about posting..  I started chapter chapter 11 earlier and remembered I needed to post here.

Anyway enjoy!
Xo Cassiie

Chapter Five

An hour later the four of them were back in the SUV and driving away from the hotel.

"Alright, after that call from Elena last night, were going to have to find someone to kill. If we don't then Damon will think something is up and we can't have little miss perfect chasing us yet." Ari said, placing her hand on Stefan's thigh and squeezing it gently from her seat next to him in the back of the SUV.

"I want to do it." Stefan said quietly.

Ariana looked at him in surprise, "you do?"

He nodded, "now that I have my memories from the twenties back, I remember how to control the bloodlust. It was one of the things Nik taught me. I can still rip them apart as I used to, but now I know that I won't lose myself while I do."

Niklaus smiled, "I'm glad. You'll be stronger now that you can handle our natural diet. It'll make it easier for you to protect yourself. We'll choose one of the secluded houses out of the city."

Ari nodded her agreement and leaned over, kissing Stefan's cheek.

A little while later they had found a secluded house that was a known home to one of the members of Mason's pack. The four of them got out of the vehicle.

"Three inside. One male two females, all human." Ari stated, "male is actually a drug dealer and both females are high.," she narrowed her eyes, "one of the females is the girlfriend of James, a wolf in Mason's pack. She's the one who owns the house. Give me one minute and I'll have you inside."

Walking to the house, Ari knocked on the door, a small smile on her face as one of the women answered, "hi, I'm looking for Jason Hayes."

The blonde woman narrowed her eyes at the beautiful young girl in front of her, "he's not home right now. I'm Marsha, his fiancée. Who are you?"

Ari pretended to be shocked and took a half step back, "what do you mean his fiancée? He never said anything about a fiancée or even a girlfriend."

Her reaction caused what she wanted, the other woman stepped out of the house, closing the door behind her. Just as she was about to speak she noticed the girls smirk just before she was pinned to the wall with a pair of fangs in her neck.

Marsha was surprised when the vervain in her system did nothing to stop the girl who was draining her. It didn't take long before she lost consciousness.

Once the girl was knocked out Ari was quick to finish her off and rip her apart. The other three watched in fascination as she perfectly copied Stefan's ripper style, setting the girls re-assembled body on the lounger on the porch.

Klaus grinned, walking up the steps and right into the house, Elijah and Stefan following behind him.

Giggling to herself, Ari followed them in to watch. In no time at all the other two were dead. The boys were about to leave but Ari stopped them and began searching the house.

"When I kill someone like him, I always search the house top to bottom. If he had many customers there could be thousands of dollars hidden in the house. Taking my victims money and items that were worth something was how I started my bank account." Ari chuckled, taking Marsha's engagement ring out of her pocket, "this ring alone is worth about fifteen grand."

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