Chaptet Four

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A/N ; it's taken a little while but I've decided up upload the next chapter. Enjoy lovelies.

Xx Cassiie

Chapter Four

The sun was almost set as they pulled the car into an underground parking lot of a luxurious hotel in Miami.

Klaus and Elijah grabbed a duffle bag each from the trunk and Elijah threw a third to Stefan.

"I grabbed some of your clothes while I was at your house." He explained.

Stefan nodded in thanks while Ari beamed a smile at Elijah. They made their way into the hotel where Klaus had phoned ahead for reservations.

"So, I guess you never went back for Miranda and Greyson's funeral then?" Stefan asked as they made their way to the front desk.

"Nope." Ari shook her head, "when I left with John they pretty much forgot about me," she explained softly, "they never bothered to check on me and see if I was ok. It was like I never mattered to them. So when John called and said they were dead I didn't feel the need to go to the funeral."

Frowning, Stefan pulled her into his arms, holding her close. He didn't know what to say to that as Elena had always made her adoptive parents seem like the nicest people. He had never thought that they could ignore a child.

Ari wrapped her arms around Stefan and buried her face against his neck. Her adoptive parents were kind of a sore subject for her after two years of never hearing a word from them, not even on her birthday.

Klaus watched them with a small smile as he took the keys to the two room suite. They looked good together and he wanted nothing more than to pull the two of them into his arms but he paced himself, knowing that soon he would have them both.

The four of them made their way to the elevator, Stefan's arm securely around Ari's shoulders, and made their way to the top floor.

Klaus used the key card to open the door and let everyone in, closing the door behind him and putting all four cards on the table in the entrance. The suite was simple in its elegance. Open concept living room-kitchen-dining room, two bedrooms each with an en suite bathroom.

Ari smiled moving from Stefan to one of the bedroom and nodding, "this one is ours Nik. The other should have two double beds." She said, looking at the others.

Elijah opened the door to the other bedroom and nodded, "it does."

The ringing of Stefan's phone interrupted any further comments on the suite. Pulling it out of her pocket Ari glanced at the screen, "Elena." She stated, handing the phone to Klaus.

Grinning, Klaus answered it, "sorry love, Stefan's to busy to come to the phone right now."

"With what? What have you done to my boyfriend Klaus? Please, I'll do anything, just let him come back," Elena's voice begged over the phone.

"You see Miss Gilbert, ask your other boyfriend what his brother was like in the twenties. I'm sure that will give you both some clues to what he's like now. Oh and Damon, enjoy your brothers girl, he knows about your little lip lock. Katerina made sure of that. Bye now." Klaus hung up the phone and handed it to Stefan with a satisfied smirk.

"That should take care of my two timing sister for a while." Ari smiled, "I'm in the mood for relaxing with a movie before we get started on everything else. I'm changing." She grabbed Nik's hand and pulled him into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Once they were inside she grabbed the drawstring bag from her pocket and pulled her duffel out, resizing it.

Klaus watched his mate as she stripped down to her underwear, admiring her body. Walking up behind her he grabbed her hips, pulling her back against his chest and burying his nose in her neck.

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