3: (1/2) Look At Me

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Above is Gaara (12), straight from the manga.

Ohayo, minna! Enjoy! :)

When Our Tails Are Tied- Part Three: Look At Me- Section 1

Konohamaru had never had a reason to run so fast in his life.

Only one thought was going through his head as he ran from what would be the most terrifying thing he had ever seen in his short life:

I now understand why Boss puts us through such torturous training regimes, for which I am now very thankful for.

Ko screamed in terror as Sakura chased him down in a cloud of pure rage. Moegi and Udon ran after their poor friend.

"Run faster, Ko!" Moegi yelled.

"Run!" Udon urged.

"WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING, YOU GUYS?!?!" Ko screamed, barely keeping ahead of the raging pink monster.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU TWERP!" Sakura screeched.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" Ko cried, tears streaming down his face in waterfalls. Despite his blurry vision, Ko kept running as fast as he could. He was too young to die...

In all but three seconds, Konohamaru heard a light gasp behind him as the Killing Intent from the girl was abruptly stifled, and he heard a sickening crack as he collided with a pained yelp into what felt like a cement wall. Ko gasped in pain as he smacked off of the surface and crumpled into an aching heap on the ground.

Before he could even groan in pain because of his bruising shoulder, someone grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him skyward roughly.

Ko could hardly hold back his yells as the stranger shook him angrily, jostling his probably dislocated shoulder. Ko's terrified eyes looked up to the stranger, whose painted features twisted into an ugly snarl.

"Why won't you watch where you're going, you little brat." The man growled. His head was hooded in black, and his face was decorated in scary purple and white warpaint.

"I-I'm sorry! Let me go, p-please..." Ko gasped, his shoulder making his eyes water in pain.

Ko could hear the pink-haired girl say something and another girl's annoyed voice from somewhere nearby, but it was muted as he saw the strange man's face change to one of dark amusement, and he felt horrified as the grip on his shirt tightened.

The man gave a laugh. "And why would I listen to either of you?" he smirked, replying to the banshee girl's comment. "I think I should teach this little brat a lesson.." he laughed.

Konohamaru forgot all about his dislocated shoulder as he began to writhe in panic. This guy was going to hurt him! "N-NO! Let me down, PLEASE!"

He whimpered as the hooded boy gave him another shake. "Shut it, kid!" he growled.

From another view, Naruto had just rounded the corner. He was searching for his friend Konohamaru who had been chased off by his pink-haired teammate in a fit of rage. For some reason he had a terrible feeling that something was about to happen, so he had to protect Konohamaru with his life, even if that meant taking the hits for him from an enraged fangirl. Insert shudder here.

When Naruto was about to turn the corner that the two had disappeared around, he heard the worrying voice of the girl who was murderous just a second before.

"W-Wait! I-It was my fault, please put him down!"

Naruto's anger rushed to the surface, only one thing in mind: If they hurt him I'll turn them INSIDE OUT!!!

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