2: (1/3) Life On The Inside

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Above is Naruto (10).

Ohayo, minna! Enjoy!

When Our Tails Are Tied- Part 2: Life On The Inside- Section 1

I laughed wickedly as I ran from half a dozen of pissed Chuunins and ANBU.

It's kind of sad that half of those guys are one step down from being the strongest ninjas in the village, but can't catch a 10 year old prankster.

I might not be able to do what I want, but I will still make you all SUFFER! HA!

"Catch me if you can, HAHA!" I taunted on the outside, angering the frustrated ninjas even further. They now chased me with increased vigor, half of them letting anger control them. A few let their hands stray to their weapons in agitation, but they didn't pull any, simply sticking to chasing me.

One of the Chuunins threw some ninja wire ahead to trip me up, but I built up more speed and slid directly under it. Some of the ANBU tried to kind of teleport right in front of me, but I just leaped over them entirely, pushing the back of their heads roughly towards the ground.

I let out another laugh as one of the ANBU I'd pushed actually made contact with the ground. Face first...

Ha, beautiful! Must be a rookie!

I could imagine my other pursuers wince at the audible crack of the elegant porcelain mask. I inwardly shook my head at the rookie ANBU, but I continued anyway.

That is, until a familiar presence poofed into existence right in front of me, smoke and all. I reeled backwards in surprise as the cloud of smoke quickly disappeared, revealing another pissed Chuunin. This one however, was slightly different from the other pissed Chuunins, this one was my pissed Chuunin teacher.

"NARUTO!" Iruka glared down at me with narrowed eyes, the long scar slashed across his nose making it all the more menacing. I flinched, and laughed nervously.

"Haha, Iruka-sensei...what are you doing here?" I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck as most of the ANBU and Chuunins finally caught up. I could feel their glares on my back and the strong killer intent in the air.

Iruka's eyes nearly turned red as he grabbed me by the collar of my black shirt, lifting me off the ground. "WHY AREN'T YOU IN CLASS YOU IDIOT?!" he screeched.

"Um... Training?" I shrugged. "And just to be fair....why aren't you in class? You are the teacher..." I trailed off. Iruka shut his eyes in irritation, before raising his fist, all too prepared to punch the stupidity out of me.

"...I'll kill him! I'll tie him up and stick senbon needles into every inch of his skin, then rip off his legs and sharpen the bones into spikes and make him swallow them!"

Iruka froze mid-punch, and we both turned to see all six of the ninjas that were chasing me, five of them were holding one Anbu back: the rookie with the cracked mask. The other five ninjas had totally restrained him; two holding an arm each, one behind him with an arm locked around his neck, and two crouched down keeping his legs rooted to the ground.

"Get off of me! I'll kill him!" he growled, trying and failing to throw off the other ninjas.

Iruka growled and threw me roughly to the ground. I coughed and looked up just in time to see Iruka throw a killer uppercut right at the rookie Anbu. The familiar crack of porcelain rang out again as the other ninjas let go of him in shock.

The pieces of porcelain fell away to reveal an angry pale face and swirling red eyes, which had locked onto Iruka. Iruka shook his fist a with a grimace, keeping eye contact with the Anbu.

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