Chapter 5

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Ken and Guile had a feeling of joy After Ken was able to hit Dhalsim with the hadouken. But then in all the rubble and dust they heard something move.

"Huh what was that"
Said Ken

The dust cleared out it was Dhalsim.

"What no way he's still alive"
Said Guile

"Hahhahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhah!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys thought you could beat me !!! Please that didn't even get a scratch on me. Now it's time to stop playing around with you guys I'm going to end this battle get ready to die"
Said Dhalsim

"What do we now"
Said Guile

"I don't know  I'm out of energy and I can't do another hadouken "
Said Ken

Dhalsim was on the attack striking at them. Dhalsim was so fast they couldn't even see him they just felt his hits. They were both getting hit all over and they didn't know what direction Dhalsim was coming from.

" this ridiculous he is so fast I can't even see him and I don't know were his hits are coming from "
Said Ken

"This guys a freak"
Said Guile

Dhalsim popped up in between them and punched both of them in the stomach. Then he banged both of there heads together. Dhalsim was choking both of them against the wall.

" you guys are fools you and your stupid country can die"
Said Dhalsim

Dhalsim threw both of them on the floor then started stepping on the both of them. Ken and Guile couldn't even move both of them were on the floor and out of energy.

" were getting are asses kicked"
Said Guile

"We have to fight back "
Said Ken

They forced them self up and both ran to Dhalsim but then Dhalsim kicked both of them in the face making them both fly to the floor knocking them both out. Both of them were knocked out cold and could not move. They were unconscious.

" now it's time to kill u both"
Said Dhalsim

" now it's time to kill u both" Said Dhalsim

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"You will both burn!!!!!!"
Yelled Dhalsim

Dhalsim was getting ready to spit fire at Ken and Guile. He built all the fire up in his mouth and was ready to spit. But at the last second someone kicked Dhalsim in the face. Dhalsim did not see who it was. Then the person revealed there self.

 Then the person revealed there self

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It was Ryu

"Sorry I'm late"
Said Ryu

"Who are you?"
Said Dhalsim

"Im Ryu and I'm here to stop you"
Said Ryu

"You think you could stop me that's funny I'll kill you just like i was about to kill your friends"
Said Dhalsim

"Bring it on"
Said Ryu

The fight was on Ryu vs Dhalsim are ready to battle

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The fight was on Ryu vs Dhalsim are ready to battle.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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