He Would Swallow God

Start from the beginning

Ed stepped forward with a glare in his eyes. “Acquire god! That’s impossible!!”

“It is…”Hohenheim stated while giving Father the same expression Ed had given him. “Given a great enough energy.”

I looked down softly and took a deep breath. “A great deal of energy…” I whispered to myself. My eyes then went wide in shock. “A Philosopher Stone?!”

Al had finally sat upwards and stared at the new ‘god’. If he made a stone using all of Amestris then that means… Oh no… All those people. Within those souls, is Smith, Sam and Winry screaming out for us? My jaw remained opened in horror at my own realization. The people that I care for that are outside of this very room is in that stone in that… In that bastard! “It can’t be! Does that mean that everyone has been turned into a Philosopher Stone?” Al gasped.

Dad, Kaley, and May finally walked forward from their shield from the harsh winds while holding their shoulders. “How many lives were sacrificed for this?” May asked past her sore body.

The Colonel kept his blind glare at where he thought the Father was. “Amestris is a large country. At least fifty million people.”

This made me slam my hands together and start to storm to him. “YOU BASTARD!!!” I screamed loudly. Before I could even do a thing the ‘god’ tapped his finger on the armrest turning off my alchemy. Well everyone’s really. I lifted my head and glared at him darkly. “Damn you!”

“Your alchemy will do you no good. Farewell, gentlemen and young lady.” He stated opening  out his hand. Doing this created a ball of fire that hurt my eyes just looking at it. Much like the sun.

Ed started to pull me aside and leaned close to my ear. “Listen Athena, I want you to May, Kaley, and Colonel somewhere safe.”

I shook my head quickly and gained a serious expression on her face. “No, I’m not leaving. Not this fight or you.” My voice came out as hard and solid as a rock. “But one question, what’s that thing?”

The Father just held the same expression on his face that made me want to punch him in his face and then his stomach. However I will not do that because that is a form of suicide. “A power of god is in my control, with that I can do anything. For example I can create a sun in the palm of my hand.” He stated simply. Well that explains why my eyes hurt. Right. “Shall I turn it’s flames loose in here? What do you think?” His eyes then widen quickly and then turned over to the burning sun in his hands.

It was Hohenheim's turn to talk now. “Your plans too get godhood was a flawed one. We were against you since the moment you put it into motion!” His eyes widen again and I could notice he was shaking in a weird way. Hohenheim and the Father had a unbreakable stare off. “Over the years I have performed calculation after calculation. I have arranged my Philosopher Stones and the friends who have long resided within me to prepare for this very day!"


‘The time has come.’ An older voice stated.

‘He regret performing the ultimate transmutation.'

‘We no longer have bodies to return to, but Amestris still has their chance.’

‘Yes, we know what we must do. Let us return their souls back to their bodies.’

‘It’s what Hohenheim asks of us!’ The childish voice yelled as a red light appeared from under a boulder in the middle of nowhere.

Father shook again making his eyes widen yet again. He glared at the group of people that he gathered darkly. “So you planted your Philosopher Stones! Big deal!” The man yelled while leaning forward. “They’re just points! They will not activate without a circle! That is a basic rule to alchemy!”

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