Liz was in the shower when my cellphone started ringing.
I hopped out of bed to see who it was.
Gerry's name was on the screen and I had to take the call.
"What do you want?" I said, abruptly.
"Hello to you too. You don't have to be so always assume that I want something from you. Don't you care what's happening in my life?" Gerry replied, sounding pissed off.
"I care about what happens to the baby you carrying. Big difference. Just get on with it. I'm busy."
"I miss you Rheese. I need you here with me. I can't do this by myself anymore," she said, her voice sounding shakey.
"Gerry, what do you really want?"
"You, Rheese. That's all I ever Please Rheese."
I didn't have a chance to reply because she started crying. I was feeling shitty about the way I have been treating her but she knew what we had was only sex.
"If it makes you feel better, I'll be coming home in the next three months in time for the babies birth," I said, speaking to her in a calmer voice.
Hearing the shower water stopped running, I had to get off the cell. Liz would be out soon and I couldn't tell her about Gerry yet.
"Look, Gerry, I have to go but I'll call you tomorrow. Bye."
I switched off my cell, ending the call.

I was feeling like a dick at how I've been handling things with Gerry and after we've told her mom about Liz being pregnant, I would tell Liz about Gerry.
I had to.
When I turned around to make my way back to the bedroom, Liz was staring at me.
I could see the look on her face and knew a question would follow.
She asked me who the caller was and told her it was my sister's friend, which wasn't a lie. But before She could ask anything else, I kissed her and walked off, going to the bathroom.

As I was busy getting dressed when Liz walked into the bedroom.
She looked ready to leave but without me. I had a feeling she wouldn't want me to go with her. I insisted that I'm going with her but saw she wasn't happy about it.


After knowing Rheese wouldn't let me go to my mom alone, I had no choice but to let him come with.
We got to my mom's house and when we walked through the door, she was happy to see us.
Rheese has won my mom over with his British charms dispite the fact that she was apprehensive about him at first.
"Hi, mom." I hugged my mom like I always did and Rheese stepped I'm to hug my mom aswell.
"Good afternoon Lillian. How's the hip?" Rheese said, politely.
"I'm doing much better thanks."
Come, sit down for lunch."
The dinning table was layed with all sorts of food and wondered how she managed to make it all by herself.
"Mom how did you managed to make all these food?" I asked, looking astonished.
"I had help. Stop worrying about me."
My mom gave me one of her back off looks again and she went to sit at the table.

We talked while we ate and after lunch Rheese helped me clean up, leaving my mom to relax.
After cleaning I made a pot of tea while Rheese was talking to my mom.
As I walked into the loung with the pot of tea, my mom looked at me with that stern look of hers that I grew up with.
My mom was very stricked with myself and Sophia as we were growing up. She always said she had to play the role of both parents.

"I believe you're pregnant. What do you have to say for yourself?" my mom talked to me in her motherly voice but I knew she was dissapionted in me. Before I could answer my mom, Rheese jumped in and started to speak.
"Lillian, as I was saying, I will take full responsibility for what has happened." Rheese turned to me.
Rheese took this whole pregnancy thing in his stride, excepting of the baby and loving me more.
"Come sit, Liz. I know we haven't talked about it but with your mother's permission, would you marry me."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was in total shock my mouth hanging open at him.
"Are you out of your god damn mind!"
" your tongue."
Hearing my mom but not regestring. "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean you have to marry me. No. This is insane. What the hell Rheese you can't just go around saying things like that," I said, furious at his proposal.
"No! Rheese..."
"Liz!" my mom shouted at me. "Just hear the man out!"
"Thanks Lillian. I don't want this baby to grow up without a father. And I love. You know that," Rheese half begged me to see reason.
"It ain't gonna happen."
I stood up and stormed off, finding myself a quite spot amongst my mother's rose garden.


After cleaning the table and helping Liz with the dishes, I went to the lounge, joining Lillian in front of the television.
I couldn't wait for Liz to deside when to tell her mom. I wanted to get it off my chest and knowing how anxious Liz was about telling her, I could help myself from taking the burden on myself.
"Lillian, is it possible to speak to you?" I said, in a gentle voice.
I had to be careful how I was going to tell her about her daughter being pregnant.
"Yes, what is it you want to tell me. I hope it's nothing serious. Does it concern my daughter?" Her mom had a frown on her face, looking at me curiously, as she sat on the couch, giving me her full attention.
"Yes, it does but you shouldn't blame her for what I'm about to tell you. I've made Liz pregnant. But before you say anything, I just want to say that I take full responsibility for it."
Lillian looked at me like she Could be throw daggers at me.
It was silent for a few seconds and then she spoke.
"I knew this would happened. So what's your plans?"
"I haven't really thought about it besides getting her an appointment with a good gynecologist but I was thinking..."
Liz came in with a pot of tea and looked at us but her eyes settled on me.
Her mom was the first to speak, letting her know that she knew she was pregnant.
At that moment all I could think about was asking Liz to marry me.
Liz didn't take to kindly to my proposal and after rambling off the reasons it was all wrong, she stormed off.
I didn't think she would be mad but maybe it wasn't the right time to have asked her to marry me.
Lillian eyed me from where she was sitting but I was taken aback with the way Liz reacted I couldn't speak.

"Well, you have my blessing if you wish to marry Liz but you gonna have a hard time convincing Liz that your intentions are honourable."
"Thanks Lillian but I'm afraid you're right. Let me see if I can convince her to marry me."
I got up from the couch and went looking for Liz.


Standing amongst the roses, inhaling their scent, I remembered the time when I was welcomed with roses when I opened the door to Rheese's apartment.
I still couldn't believe that he would think I'll marry him just because I'm pregnant with his child.
I know he loves me but what if he woke up one day and realized that's not what he wanted. I couldn't bare the thought of going threw life wondering if I wasn't pregnant, if Rheese would end up marrying me.

I was so lost in my thoughts and didn't hear Rheese coming up behind me until he slipped his arms around my waist.
"So this is where you hiding. I sorry Liz. I shouldn't have asked you to marry me so unexpectedly. I should have-" Rheese turned me around to face him. -"I should have done it like this." Rheese dropped down on his knew, holding my hands on his.
I couldn't believe he was gonna do this for a second time.
"Before you stop me or say anything, just hear me out. Liz, before you came along I never believed in love but when I saw you that day for the first time, somehow I knew life for me would never be the same again. I tried to fight my feelings for you by staying away that first week after we met but fate had other plans for me. It's not just because you pregnant. Maybe you being pregnant is just hurrying me along but I want you hear me YOU. I LOVE YOU. Now and for the rest of my life. Please do me the honour of becoming my wife. Will you Elizabeth Forbes marry me?"

I didn't realize the tears was running silently down my cheeks, entranced by Rheese declaring his love for me. His blue eyes spoke the truth of what he was feeling.

"Rheese Carter, I LOVE YOU TOO and yes I'll marry you."

Could It Be Forever (Book 1, Being Edited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon