Chapter 10

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It was a strange feeling having a guy drop me off at work and looking at Rheese made the reality of my new life with him so real. It was almost surreal how my life has changed in such a short time.
We drove to work with my favourite music playing and his hand often finding it's way onto my thigh, rubbing it gently. Every time he touched me my whole body tingled with the anticipation of wanting more.
My body was starting to get use to his touch and I liked the sensation that it gave me.
As I looked out the window of the car, the building I worked in came into view. Rheese stopped the car in front of the library and turned to face me.
He took my face between his hands and his mouth came down on mine, kissing me like he will never kiss my lips again. Rheese always kissed me with such intensity, making me weak at the knees and always leaving breathless.
After our lips parted, I got out of the car - not wanting to leave him yet - and stepped into the morning heat  turning back to him.
"See you later blue eyes," giving him a wink.
"See you later, baby." He blew me a kiss and drove away leaving me standing on the sidewalk in front of the library.
I walked through the doors welcoming the cool air on my skin, created by the aircon and strolled to the back of the building where my office was situated.
Beth was at her desk typing away on her laptop when she looked up as I entered.
"Morning Lizzy. You looking good this morning. Is that a new dress you wearing?"
"Hi, Beth. Thanks, I feel good this morning and yes, it's new,"
"Anything to do with the guy I saw you with?"
Beth looked at me waiting for an answer.
"Maybe," not wanting to give to much information on the subject.
I walked around my desk putting my handbag down, taking a seat behind my desk.
I picked up the phone and dialled the number for our head office. I needed to sort out my leave with my boss.

"Good morning. You've reached Mr. Beck"s office. Sara speaking," a voice came from the other side of the line.
"Good morning Sara. It's Lizzy speaking. Is James available to take my call? Oh and Sara, is he in a good mood today?"
James Beck was my boss and he was not an easy person to get along with.
To put it plain and simple, he was an asshole.
"Morning Lizzy, Mr. Beck is available to take your call, I'll put you through. And yes, he is in one of his better moods today. You lucky."
Sara was a lovely girl but I didn't know how she put up with his shit.
It took a few seconds before he answered.
"James Beck speaking."
"Good morning Mr. Beck. It's Elizabeth Forbes speaking."
"Ms. Forbes, how can I be of assistance to you today?" detecting a little cheerfulness in his voice.
"I was hoping to talk to you about my annual leave that starts next week and if it would be possible to take a few extra days this week aswell.
Something came up that needs my attention sooner than what I expected."
The line went quiet for a few second before he answered.
"Ms. Forbes, how many extra days are we talking about?"
"I was hoping that I can take leave from tomorrow, if it's not a problem."
"I can't give you an answer now. I'll have to get back to you on that matter."
And before I could say another word, the line went died.
I couldn't believe that he just ended the call like that. I would just have to wait till he got back to me.
I got up from my desk looking rather irritated and Beth looked at me saying, "Is everything okay?"
"Ja, just Mr. Beck's being an asshole as usual."
I needed to get some coffee and walked off in the direction of our little kitchen at work.

I walked back into the office a few minutes later with my coffee, when my cellphone starts ringing on my desk.
I picked up my cell, seeing Rheese's number and answered it.
"Hi, Rheese."
"Hi, baby. How has your morning been so far?"
"Okay, but I don't know if I will be able to get off work this week. My boss is being difficult as usual."
"Don't stress about it, Liz. I'll work out something. I'm just calling because I'm missing my girl."

'I'm his girl.'

" are?"
"Yes Liz, I am missing you. Is that so hard to believe?"
"I guess not.'s just that we saw each other an hour ago and you already missing me. I'm flattered." Having a big grin on my face. If only Rheese had to see me now.
"I'll pick you up the same time this evening as yesterday. I can't wait to see you."
"I'll be waiting, blue eyes. Bye for now."
"Goodbye, baby."
Just him talking to me made my toes curl. I could have climaxed on the spot.
Beth looked at me with a smile.
"I take it that was the mystery man again. Your face says it all," she said, laughing.
Beth must have seen the grin on my face when I was talking to Rheese for her to have made that comment.
But that was the way Rheese made me feel, happy. I didn't know what I was gonna do when the time came for him to leave, I didn't want to think about it, not yet. My feelings for Rheese was getting stronger every time I saw him and I was starting to wonder if I could handle what the future holds for us.

Could It Be Forever (Book 1, Being Edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora