Chapter 12

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"Where on earth have they got to!" The pevensie's can't be late to their own coronation. Mr Tumnus walks past "oh Mr Tumnus wait!" i say trying to run over to him in these stupid heals, "yes m'lady" can you see if the Pevensies are ready, if they are send them down because we don't want them to be late to their own coronation do we now?" "of course i will get them now" "thank you Mr Tumnus!" and then he leaves me to pace in front of the doors once again. "Rosie!" i look up to my name to see the four Pevensie's walking over all dressed and ready, "well its about time!" i say tapping my foot "now come on in positions". I put them into their positions leaving a gap for Aslan to go, "where is Aslan? he's supposed to be here!" i mutter "Rose" "yes Peter?" "when did you get so bossy?" they all laugh at Peters joke but i was not amused "ha ha very funny peter! its so funny im laughing my head of right now" i say sarcasticly rolling my eyes, "actually i thought that was very amusing" we all turned to see Aslan standing behind me, he then took his place in the middle of the Pevensie's. "here goes nothing" i whisper to myself as i push open the doors and walk in front of the siblings and Aslan leading them to their four thrones then taking my place next to Mr fox. "to the glistening eastern sea i give you queen Lucy, the valiant!" Mr Tumnus and the beavers came up the steps to the thrones and Mr Tumnus placed a crown on Lucy's head, "to the great western wood, king Edmund the just" Edmund was given a silver crown, "to the radiant southern sun, queen Susan the gentle" she was given a crown that was like her sister's but gold "and to the clear northern sky i give you king Peter the magnificent!" a crown like his brothers but gold. Aslan turned to the siblings as they sat down on their thrones "once a king or queen of narnia always a king or queen, may your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens", he turned around and we all called "Long live King Peter, long live King Edmund, long live Queen Susan, Long live Queen Lucy!". You know when your get really proud of your siblings or sibling, feeling like they're growing up so fast? i felt like that, the pevensie's are like my family and hey im not to bothered about not being Queen any more, to much responsibility, anyway im Lady Rosalind the spirited! who needs a crown anyway? Mr fox laughs away at something and there next to him is a lioness with glasses and a moustache drawn on it's face, why do i get they feeling this is Edmund's doing?

Music filled the air along with dancing, chatter and laughter. This is probably one of the greatest moments of mine and everyone else's life, im glad i stayed im mean who wouldn't want to miss this? i look around to see Susan and Edmund dancing with Dryads and Lucy with Mr Tumnus, Susan can dance really well whereas Edmund is failing miserably poor boy. He needs help, oh wait to im to late, he seems to have fell over and his partner looks a little bit embarrassed, i walk over to the bright red boy sitting on the floor looking as though he's about to cry "come on Ed up you get" i say helping him up "dont worry you'll get better at one day" "iv got to be the worst dancer in the world" he exaggerates "oh Ed stop your moaning, it's only your first ever dance, i promise you will be brilliant at it one day!" "easy for you to say your probably a natural at it", "true but only because i practised and you know what they say practise makes perfect!" I know im not the best comforter but at least im trying. He looks around the goes bright red again "everyone wont stop staring and laughing at me" i look at everyone else "Oi you lot stop staring dont you think he's embarrassed enough without you lot poking your nose's in?" as soon as i finished speaking they carried on dancing "see now they've stopped" "thanks Rose", "now go have fun and enjoy yourself!" and off he went. I went back to watching the moment, "ah Lady Rosalind what a pleasure" i turn around to see Peter "oh High king Peter the magnificent the pleasure is all mine!" i say in a posh accent "care to join me in a dance m'lady?" he asks in the same accent "of course your majesty" "shall we then?" he said holding his hand out for me "we shall" i replied taking his hand as he led me to the dance floor. Nothing can ruin this moment for me ever!

Omg iv almost finished this story, i cant believe it , the epilogue is left now then it's all over but don't worry there will be a sequel some day........

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