Chapter 5

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We reached the the beavers dam and once inside, a female beaver called "beaver is that you...if i find out you've been with badger again-" she cut her self off at the sight of us "why the aren't badgers...i never thought I'd see the day, look at the state of me you couldn't give ten minutes warning", "i would of give you a week if i thought it helped"replied Mr beaver, earning a chuckle from us all. Minutes later we were sitting at a table peter asked "is there anything we could do to help Mr tumnus" , "he would of been taken to the witches castle and you know what they say, few that go in come out again" he replied, "fish and chips" Mrs beaver chimed in, looking at Lucy you could tell she was upset, Mrs beaver must of noticed this because she laid a paw on Lucy's arm and said "but there is hope dear" looking at Mr beaver,"lots of hope", Mr beaver spat out his drink "oh yeah, there's a lot more than hope" he spoke looking around, " Aslan is on the move" the name Aslan sent a shiver down my spine but who was Aslan, "who's Aslan" Edmund said as though reading my mind, Mr Beaver thought this was funny because he burst out laughing at Edmund's comment "who's Aslan, you cheeky little blighter" he laughed until Mrs beaver started nudging him to stop, "what?" he said then looking at us "you don't know do ya" he questioned, "well we haven't exactly been here long have we" peter answered "well he's only the king of the whole wood, the top geezer, the real king of narnia" Mr beaver told us, "he's been away a long long time-", "but he's just got back and he's waiting for you at the stone " said Mr beaver, finishing Mrs beavers sentence. "he's waiting for us?" Lucy asked in disbelieve "you're blooming joking! they don't even know about the prophecy" he yelled "well then" Mrs beaver said calmly, gesturing towards us, with a sigh Mr beaver said "look, Aslan's return, Tumnus arrest, the secret police, it's all happening because of you!" "you're blaming us" Susan asked, "no not blaming you thanking you" Mrs beaver reassured (sort of). Mr beaver lowers his voice and says "there's a prophecy, when Adams bone and Adams flesh sit a Cair Paravel on throne the evil time will be over and done", "you know it doesn't really rhyme" Susan spoke up "i know it's doesn't" he replies "your kinda missing the point" Mr beaver says a bit louder than before, Mrs beaver rest's paw on Mr beaver's arm and a says "it has long been for told that two son's of Adam and two daughters of Eve will defeat the white witch and restore peace to narnia" after a short pause and some glances peter speaks up "and you were're the ones", "well you better be because Aslan is already fitting out you army" "our army" Lucy says a bit surprised Susan turns to peter "mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war", "i think you made a mistake, were're not heroes" peter says directly to the beavers "were're from Finchly" susan finishes for him "thank you for your hospitality but we really have to go" "but you can't just leave" said Mr beaver as an attempt persuade us them to stay, i stay firmly on my seat not wanting to leave "he's right" everyone turns to Lucy " we have to help Mr Tumnus", "its out of our hands" peter says to the young girl "im sorry but it's time for the five of us to be going home" he says turning to the beaver's "im not going anywhere" i say loud and clear making everyone turn to me "this world is in need of help and your just gonna leave them to suffer, im staying and you can't make me leave" "fine" peter sighs "come lets go, Ed, Ed" where on earth has that blooming idiot got to " when we find him im gonna kill him" peter says threateningly "you may not have to, has Edmund ever been to narnia before" Mr beaver says in a grave voice making us all exchange looks, " you and Mr beaver go after him while I'll stay with Mrs beaver in case he comes back" i order and off they go leaving Mrs beaver and i alone.

Back and forth i pace the floor's waiting for them to come back,"sit down dear and have to tea" Mrs beaver speaks softly "they'll be back soon, there is no point in worrying all the time" so i sit down and drink the warm tea, "Mrs beaver" i say making her turn to me "yes dear", " the prophecy speaks of four saviours, is there anything about another?" i ask "not that i kn-" the door burst open reviling Mr beaver and the Pevensies with panic stricken faces "quickly mum there after us" shouts Mr beaver as he enters, but Mrs beaver just shuffles through the house, putting food into a bag, while Mr and Mrs beaver bicker i hear a wolf howl, panicked i look round spotting two sticks lying on the floor, quick as a flash i grab the and yank the two bobbles in my hair snapping one in the process and tie the unbroken on to the bottom of the sticks and the snapped one at the top making sure they are not pushed together then grabbing a few pebbles that were lying on the ground. The wolves start to tear the dam up as we escape down a little tunnel with me at the back of the line. Making our way through we hear scraping of claws not far behind us "there in the tunnel run!" i yell to the others, as fast as we could we ran and ran though the never ending tunnel when suddenly a wolf came into view, i grabbed my slingshot and a pebble from my pocket and fire the pebble right at the wolf and it hit him square on the nose "yes" i say triumphantly but my triumph didn't last long as the wolf dived on to me snapping it jaws very close to my neck. I let out i scream as i dodged the wolf's strikes, "rose!" someone yells, it sounds like peter "stay back, i got this" i yell to him, with the slingshot still in my hand i hit him in the heal making him yelp in pain raise his paw of my shoulder allowing me to push him of and run back to the others.

Finally we reach the end of the tunnel only to see statues dotted around. Wait statues, what a weird place to put them. Looking closer i see there not just statues but animals of all different shapes, sizes and species, who done this to them "this is what becomes of those who cross the witch" out from the shadows came a sly fox "take more step traitor and I'll chew you to splinter" Mr beaver says to the fox while Mrs beaver tries to restrain him "relax im one of the good guys" he says trying calm Mr beaver down (even though i won't work) "yeah well you look an awful lot like one of the bad" Mr beaver retaliates,"an unfortunate family resemblance, but we can argue breeding later right now we gotta move" "what did you have in mind" peter ask the fox. Quick as a flash we were up the a tree hiding, all of a sudden the barrel, in front of the tunnel, is throw out of the way reviling the vicious wolves, "greetings gents, lost something have we" said the fox with an unusual cheery tone (wow he must be good at acting) "dont patronize me, i know where your aleagens lie" snarled one of wolves, i think it must be the head wolf, what was its name again... oh Maugrim. "we're looking for some humans" the fox chuckled and said "Humans here in narnia, thats a valuable piece of information dont you think" a wolf lunged at the fox and held him in his jaws, peter had to quickly cover Lucy's mouth before she let out a loud gasp and Mrs beaver had to hold onto Mr beaver before he got involved. "your reward is your life" Maugrim snarled then chuckled "its not much but still", at his words we all exchanged worried glances "were are the fugitives" the poor fox hung his head and said breathlessly "North, they ran north" "smell them out" ordered Maugrim, the fox was thrown aside and left to die.

"they were helping Tumnus, the witch got here before i did" Spoke the fox as Mrs beaver bandaged his wounds. It was nightfall so we decided to light a fire for the night, we left our hiding space a little while after the wolves left but being to eager to help the fox i lost my balance and fell out of the tree, luckily i landed on the snow not a statue. "are you alright"Lucy asked the fox as he grunted in pain "i wish i could say there bark was worse than their bite" he mused but then yelped with pain "oh stop squirming, your worse than beaver on bath night" Mrs beaver scolded "worse day of the year" Mr beaver told us earning a chuckle of us, "thank you for you kindness but that's all the healing i have time for" the fox said getting up "your leaving?" Lucy asked "it has been a pleasure my queen but time is short and Aslan himself has asked me to get more troops" Mrs beaver gasped at these words "you seen Aslan?" Mr beaver questioned "whats he like" Mrs beaver asked in a girlish tone "like everything we've been told, you'll be glad to have him by your side in the battle against the witch" he replied "but we're not planning on fighting on any witch" Susan spoke up, here she goes again always has to have a word in everything, "but surly king peter, the prophecy" the fox said with hope in his eyes that peter will fight "we can't go war without ya'" said Mr beaver "we just want our brother back" thats all he could say, Narnia needs us and there not going to help, you know what im not saying anything because it will just make thing worse. With peter's words the fox said goodbye and left, leaving us in utter silence for the rest of the night.

Hi i hope you liked this chapter, please comment if you did or any feedback on the chapter if i missed anything. keep a look out for the next chapter.

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