Chapter 1

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It was just an ordinary day for ordinary me, well it was supposed to be. My name is Rosalind Kirke, i live with my Grandfather out in the country near a small village, my mother had to leave me in the care of my grandfather because she was terribly ill and couldn't look after me. When she died she left me a locket with a picture of her inside and an empty space, grandfather said it was blank so i could choose my own photo to go inside once i have found the right moment. Anyway i do not got to a public school so i have a private tutor to teach me and then i have the Macready trying to teach to be a prim and proper lady but I'm only like that around her, you probably think i have no friends but i do, well there not proper friends there just some girls form the village that tag around after me, for now. As i was saying grandfather had told we would be having guests from the city as their had been bombings in London, he spoke of four of then two girls and two boys, Macready warned me not be waiting at the door so i didn't come off as desperate so i decided to have a walk through the village while a waited. "Rose, Rosy its us " oh great its them again, i stroll over to them with smile upon my face " hello girls how lovely it is to see you" help me now, suddenly there is a wolf whistle behind me "not again" i mutter. Turning around with smile on my face i see one of the boys that bugs me every time i enter the village " hello Thomas"i smile " hello beautiful". "oh please spare the act," i have had enough of this " I'm not your sweetheart and i never will be ". He looks stunned, (priceless) as i saunter off home.

I wonder if there here yet, probably are, its not that far from the station, is it? i dunno i have never been outside of the village. I reach the house but as soon as i open the door a deafening shout booms " Rosalind come meet our guests this instance". i close the door behind me and trail up the stairs to see four curious faces and one very angry face looking down at me. The children let me pass as i come face to face with Macready, " where have you been!" she questions, " i have been in the village Mrs Macready" in as innocent as my voice could get. " well these are the Pevensies" she grips my shoulders and pulls me to her side " children this is Rosalind, granddaughter of professor Kirke, Rosalind this is Peter, Susan Edmund and Lucy" she gestured to each one as she spoke their name, " Hello i as you know am Rosalind, it is a pleasure to meet you all, now if you follow me i will show to your rooms" i said in the most sickly sweet voice i could manage. I turned on the spot beckoning them to follow me and climbed the stairs, once we turned around a corner i looked round to see if Macready was still there, to my joy she had gone. I looked round and sighed of relief and looked to the Pevensies, " right, around Macready I might act all sickly sweet but really I'm just an ordinary girl OK, and you don't have to call me Rosalind all the time just Rose, Rosie or Rosa will do OK, follow me please ". We went up one more flight of stairs till i stopped again and then turned to them " girls on the left and boys on the right" gesturing to the doors then pointed to the middle door " that is my room if you need anything and there is a room along the hall to relax in OK". I went into my room after them and stood with my back to the door and muttered " things are about to change Rose".

I hope you like my story, sorry if its to short, please comment about the story. i dont know when i will next post so looking out for the next chapter.

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