Chapter 6

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Waking up stiff on wet and cold snow isn't fun. Every limb in my body feels numb and refuses to move, after a long night of silence we all drifted off into deep sleeps. I remember grandfather's story about how witnessed the birth of Narnia, i don't think i ever believed in that story but now i know its all true and that's its up to us now to save Narnia no matter what the cost. Weird, when i think about, it was just a story and now i know its real but what's upsetting is that im not even supposed to be here, maybe i should go home or maybe i should stay and help, oh i just don't know.
After walking a little bit we came across a cliff edge, looking over we see a vast valley of ice and snow. "its so far" murmured Peter "its the world dear, did you expect it to be small?" Mrs beaver said, then of course there is Susan with her little remark of "smaller". Narnia is so beautiful, unfortunately for me i accidentally voiced my thoughts, once i said this i felt something brush against my hand, realising it was Peter's hand, i gripped and he gripped my hand back causing me to blush slightly (i hope no-one notices).

Peter's POV:
"its beautiful" a small whisper comes from my side, Rosalind looks so pretty as she stands in awe of narnia. Every time i look at her my heart sort of melts, she's so lively and determined. She probably doesn't feel even feel the same way but i really like her, not just as a friend but like like sort of way if you know what i mean?. Her hand slowly drops down to her side, now's my chance, i slowly brush my hand against her's hoping she'll get my message when suddenly a hand grips mine. Rose. I hold her hand back, i can feel sparks fly between us as we grab on to each other. As we stand there i notice a slight tinge of pink grow on Rosalind's cheeks, i think she feels the same way!

Rosalind's POV:
You know that feeling you get when you just want to scream out something? I want to scream! i think im in love with Peter! no not think, i know i love him! i think he feels the same way to! come on Rose compose your self war is on the horizon, you need put these feelings behind you and lock them till after. I need to focus on more important things, like getting to Aslan's camp and winning this war, oh and asking Aslan about the prophecy. Seriously how do they get to be royalties and i just get pushed aside, oh that makes me sound a bit jealous doesn't it? i seriously need to control myself. I let go of peter's hand walking a little faster; did i just do that? i did just do that, why did i do that? im such an idiot!
We finally start crossing a huge lake, im trying to keep my distance from peter after my stupid movement of holding his hand then running away because im an idiot. Being ahead of everyone lets me clear my head and avoid any awkward conversations, "Hurry up humans while were still young, your friend here gets the idea" why did Mr beaver have to say that, in front of everyone. "if he tells us to hurry up one more time im going to turn him into big fluffy hat" i heard peter say making me let out a tiny giggle (luckily no-one herd). "hurry" Beaver called one again "he is getting a little bosy" Lucy said, turning i notice a sleigh rushing towards us "no behind you! its her!" i scream. Running as fast as i can, the others not far behind me, the sleigh got closer and closer until we came into the trees. "dive,dive!" Mr beaver yelled pointing to snow mound, down we went and pressed ourselves against the wall of the mound waiting in silence. A shadow appeared but it wasn't a feminine sort of shape, maybe it was someone else looking for her? the shadow disappeared and walked away.

After a few minutes peter wanted to go but Mr beaver told him he was no good to narnia dead and then Mrs beaver said "neither are you dear" earning them the cutest couple award. Mr beaver went to look and then all of a sudden he lept out in front of us and said "i hope you've all been good because there's someone here to see ya!", coming out we see a man dressed in red. Santa Clause. "merry Christmas sir" Lucy says with a hint of excitement "it certainly is Lucy, since you've arrived" he replied, "iv dealt with a lot since i got here but this-" Susan started but Peter finished for her "we thought you were the witch" , "well in my defence i have been driving on of these a lot longer than she has" Father Christmas laughed, gesturing to his sleigh. "i thought there was no Christmas in narnia?" Susan questioned "no there wasn't, not for a long time but the hope you brought is finally starting to weaken the witches powers" he told us, an awkward silence spread among us but was broken when Father christmas said " well i dare say good ridens" he grabbed his sack and chuckled "presents!" Lucy cried stepping away from her siblings towards Father christmas. He chuckled reaching into his sack and pulling out a little bottle with red liquid inside, Lucy's present was the juice of the fire flower which could heal any injury with just on drop and a small dagger. Susan got a bow and arrows that never misses if you trust in it and never runs out of arrows, she also got a horn that when in need just blow and help would come, "Rosalind Kirke" i stepped forward and i was presented with a belt of daggers "remember wars are ugly affairs" he warned me "im up for a challenge" i said with all the courage i had. He chuckled and called Peter forward presenting him with a sword and shield both with a lion on "these are weapons not toys use wisely, now i best be off, winter is almost over and things do pile up when you've been gone a hundred years" he threw his sack on the sleigh then turned to us with a (sort of) serious face "long live Aslan" climed in and finished with a merry christmas and then he left. We shouted goodbye as he left us. Lucy looked at her sister and said "i told you he was real" with a smile "he said winter is almost over" Peter said turning to face us "you know what that means? no more ice" Making us all turn in fear.

Hi sorry for the late update but its finally here, chapter six is finally arrived. Once again im sorry for that late update iv just been really busy with life. So look out for my next chapter, im not making any promises that it will be soon.

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