Chapter 5: Dreams

Start from the beginning

"as for the first two things...well I'm not gonna lie, that would make me a horrible mother, it does Hurt a's just you body changing, but it's worth it afterwards...being a vampire is such a thrill...and it's's the most amazing feeling....not as amazing as falling in love though...." my mother looked me in the eyes and focoused. " know when i first met your father I didnt think much of him....we worked together but that was about it...6 months we worked well together got on good, but it never left work...that was untill I bumped into him when I was doing the shopping one evening..he offered me a lift home because I couldn't drive, and that was it...we were never works in wiered ways but when it does it's more powerful than anything in this world and can defete anything that comes up against's nothing to be afraid of because when you have it you'll wonder how you ever lived with out it...I can see you two are going to be really happy together..." my mother told me. I smiled. "I hope so...I can't wait to meet him" I told my mum. She took ahold of my hands. "amelia remember love isn't always obvious, you could be staring the person you link with in the face tomorrow and you wouldn't necessary know it...." my mother told me. I smiled and nodded my head.

"I miss you evey's dad?" I asked my mum smiled. "hes good...very, extremely proud of you we both are and we miss you so much...." my mother told me I smiled. "I love you mum..." I told my mum. She smiled. "I love you Amelia I'm sorry but it's time to wake up..." my mum said with a last smile and disappeared into darkness. Reality sunk back in and I was no longer in my happy place, I was back to real life. 

I couldn't go back to sleep after my dream, I was too sad. I sat by the window watching the rain hit the glass and trickle down. My mother had never appeared to me in a dream before which was why I was having a really hard time trying to figure out weather it was real or not. Either way her words stuck with me.

They comforted me about my ever pending doom, but it still didn't mean I wanted it to happen. My mum and dad obviously wanted it for me seemed like everyone appart from me wanted it. Why couldn't I just be incharge of my own fate? Mum said it hurt a little bit, but that it was worth it for the change, but I didn't want to change, I wanted to be a normal person living a normal life....I wanted my grandfather to be alive...I wanted my parents alive...a tear ran down my cheek as I realised nothing in my life was ever going to be normal.

"your up?" I heard a sleepy voice from behind me. I quickly wiped the tears away from my cheeks with the palm of my hand. " I couldn't sleep...I had wiered dreams..." I told him. I turned to face him when my face was free of tears. "oh right...well good...get dressed we need to find a new car and get out of here" Alex said as he streched. "ok" I said and quiety walked into the bathroom to get dressed. 

We found a new car just outside of town, i still didn't like the idea of stealing a car, but I didn't complain. I sat most of the time just thinking, about the dream I had, about my parents, my grandfather..everyone I knew or loved was dead or probably going to die and I realised just how alone I was in the world right now and it scared me even more.

Yah Alex was here but he hardly cared about me. "alright what did I do this time?" Alex said I looked over at him confused. "what do you mean?" I asked him. "well you've barley spoken to me all day...I must have done something" Alex said with a laugh. "'ve done nothing" I told him and turned back to the window.

"do you believe people can be living some how even though they died.." I asked Alex suddenly. Alex laughed. "I present to you example A..." Alex said pointing to himself. I rolled my eyes "no I mean like my parents...they were vampires but we you think it's possible for them to be alive in a different way as a spirit...or garidian angel? Do you think those things really exist?" I asked Alex. "I donno...I mean I exist....I've never come across any other mygival cretures but I've heard of werewolf's..." Alex told me I looked at him. "this is turning out to be like one of them twilight's messed up...not that I mind the twilight books...its just they were always something to take me away from they seem to be my reality!" I said annoyed. Alex laughed.

"whats really wrong Dstiney..." Alex asked me. I sighed a long sigh. "Ok but dont go thinking im crazy or anything....Last night I had a dream....and my m um came to me in it and told me she was my gadian angel..." I told Alex and waited for him to laugh. Amaing he didnt. "Well...what do you think?" Alex asked me. "I want for it to have been real more than anything in the whole world..." I confessed to Alex. He smiled. "Well then im sure it dosnt matter what other people think, what other people say, it was your dream, it was as real as you want it to be...." Alex said to me seriously. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. "Thanks....amaingly youve actually made me feel a bit better....." I told Alex. "Well...your actually ok...sometimes.." Alex said giving me a cheeky wink and smile. I giggled and rolled my eyes at him. 

"..changing the subject a bit...listen this is difficult but I need to feed..." Alex told me. I looked at him confused. "ok...there's a woods over there pull up and go get something..." I told Alex. He took a deep breath in.

"yah that's the thing....animal blood is fine for a while, but if I want all my strength I need...Human blood" Alex told me. "ok well just pull over there and....wait WHAT!" I shouted when I realised what he said. "NO! NO way!" I told him. "I don't want you sucking my blood and I don't want anybody dyeing when I'm involved..." I told Alex. "listen! I'm not talking about your blood, I wouldn't be able to control would be too...but im not going to kill them...just suck enough blood from them..." Alex explained. "I don't care! It's not happening.." I demanded.

"do you want me to protect you from crazy blood thirsty vampires...." Alex asked. "well that is kinda your job..." I pointed out the obvious Alex rolled his eyes. "yah well in order for me to do that I need Human's what makes me strong and gives me the ability to protect you...these muscles didn't just come from anywhere...I had to keep exercising and drink lots of human blood" Alex told me. I rolled my eyes.

To be fair he had nice muscles...his arms were big and muscley and his cheast was quite impressive. I checked Alex out whilst he concentrated on the road. "I can remove my shirt if you want a better view...only if you remove yours too.." Alex offered with a wink. I blushed and looked out my window to avoid his gaze.

"do you really have to..." I asked Alex nodded his head silently. "I suppose...and I could watch how you lure them in...for practice i suppose...if it's to protect me...but you promise you wont kill anyone?" I asked nervously. "cross my unbeating heart..." Alex said with a smile. "ok where too now?" I asked, with a mixture if worry and nerves. "my fave place to find my a nightclub..."



Yes I know its been agesssssssssssssssssssssssss and im really sorry!! but Ive had a ruff few weeks and theres been lots going on so I havent really been able to get on here to write anything in a while. 

So I hope you like the chapter! Its not the most amazing chapter, and it is a bit short but I wanted to put something up soon! I promise every week from now on I will get a chapter up! 

Theres a few hints in this chapter of what might happen...see if you can find them lol.

Also thank you so much for all the support!!! I got told by someone that they love the story =] it defo made me smile! I know Ive been rubbish but pleaseeeeee keep reading I PROMISE i WILL be better!! 

anyways hope your all ok =]

happy readin <3 <3 <3

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