New Toys

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In the remote town of Canada live a man name Alexander he is rich and aristocrat. Genius and successful. But he is beyond spoiled and full of himself. He think highly of himself. He is so narcissist and he knew women love him for his intelligent, money and good looks. He is a snob and always ignore people. But people still loves him but one time, a person from another country arrived and she is far beyond beautiful, kind and approachable. Friendly to everyone, she is perfect. And he fall in love with her instantly when he met her at the woods playing with the animals. But instead of being swoon by him, she did not notice him and just politely bow and leave. It got him interested and hurt his pride. So he gave her the best things in this world but it did not work. Instead the girl fall in love with his soldier. Alexander is anger by this. His ego hurt and he decided to slain him and kidnapped the girl instead. He successfully murdered the soldier but he did not get the attention of the girl the heart of the girl. So he forced his way, he forced everything to her, trapped her and do everything against her wishes. But the woman still grieve to her lover. She escape the castle and flee to her family, and that is the mistake she has done for the King kill everyone in her way. She cried and cried until she decides to end her life by drinking a poison grail. And when he arrived she is dead. He kneel down and put her in his arm "Why? Why can't you love me so? Why do you have to end your life than to choose to be with me?" He said and suddenly frown and left her there "Very well, I shall punish you for being disobedient. Her you shall be burn and no one will ever be able to see your angelic face." He said and when he about to order his men no one answered. He look outside "I said burn the place down. You scoundrel!" He screamed as he walk to the exit to find his men dead and he gasped shaking his head "No! No, it cannot be."  He is shaking and looking around and cannot believe to what about to happen to him. Since he is full of himself and thought he has that charm he thought even Celia is falling over to him. He could not believe that she could possibly end his life. "No, no, no. She won't end my life. I'm sure. I..."
"What your too good to be killed? Oh wait, too special?" She is already behind him he turn around and aim a gun to her and he laughed "No, you are not going to kill me. You are going to take the advantage that she is gone. And hope that you will be the one I shall choose. I..I can think about it. Since...since..."
She laughed and laughed "You know, if I don't have a power right now, I will just be pissed but in my case today. I can do something about it." She clapped her hands "Yeah, you are cool, perfect the exact type. But your mind is rotten."
He frown "Who are you to speak that way!?"
Then suddenly she arrived behind him with the knife in his neck and he is bleeding "What are you gonna do about it? Your highness?"
" are..going to spare life." He is already shivering in fear, he is already sure this girl will not spare his life
"Why? After what you did to that girl? You just match the qualifications to be my toy." She grin "They could make a vocaloid music out of this. From Felix, to Jason, to you and whoever I shall choose."
"Your mad."
"I'm mad, your mad, we're mad. We are all mad here. Darling, some just choose to hide it." She turn her back and look all over the place and he was about to sprint out of his way then suddenly he is surrounded by pool of fire they are covered by fire "What...What..."
"Exactly, once you met eyes with me. There is no escape now." She grin then a music of FFVI Kefka played in background "Come on, your too serious. Let's play." He is shaking his head then suddenly Celia holding his hand in a tight way until she kick his balls and he scream in pain "Ooh, but that doesn't hurt that much." She said then cut his face he moan in pain and strangled he gasped for air "Sto...sto..." She continue to laugh as she slapped his face hard causing him to shiver on the floor "Isn't this the way how you killed her lover?" His eyes widen and he look at her and remember one of the soldier who he is suspicious of " cannot be..."
Then she kick him "You betcha!" He cough blood and she grab his hair and lick her lips "I'm bored. How else am I going to enjoy myself with you." She punch and punch and punched until he could no longer move, he cover his face and sobbing quietly "Men, sure do cry in this moment eh. And I love it kyahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!"

In Manila, a young man name Dale has a long crush to one of his classmate in his school and his classmate ever since in elementary. He is in his best behavior when towards her. He is the kindest and the best person you'll ever meet. But when it's not her, he is rotten. He is disrespectful to his classmates and he think highly of himself and mock women and who they are. He is worse at insulting people than those gays. Even gays are pissed off and defends women because he is too rude. But when it comes to her the girl who is most popular ever since they are in elementary name Kristine. He is the best gentleman you'll ever meet. And nobody knows if Kristine knew what he is doing or she is just naive.  But she admires him the most also. Until they become lovers and end up together, one time, while celebrating her birthday at the five star hotel and when he is about to propose to her a woman suddenly appear looking haggard and lonely with a bruise in her face that came from him. And screamed she is pregnant. It tore Kristine life's away and slap Dale's face and run away and Dale tried to run towards her but the guards block his path. "Please,this is your child. He needs you." She beg and Dale frown to her and grab her hair towards the exit and when they are outside and alone she hit him "Abort that stupid child of yours! I don't need him! You dare destroy my life!?" He screamed and screamed "Ple..Please don't say that. I'm sure you don't mean that. You said you love me.!"
"You fool! Don't you get it!? I just want to have sex with you! That's why!? Abort that child at once! And tell them your lying!!" His eyes full of rage and his fist tighten with anger "No! Please Dale..You promised future.." Then he hit her on the face and caused her to fall to the floor her inside is bleeding "Oh no! My baby!!" She cried and he smirked "Good, now tell them this is all a lie." And when he about to turn around he was hit hard by something in the face causing him to fall to the ground and there a masked woman with a pole in her hand he is bleeding and he cough blood "What the hell!?" His eyes widen when he saw the girl wearing the same clothes they said she often wear, that violet color and that grin mask "No! Celia! No! Do..Don't you remember me!? It's me Dale! Your..."
She smirked and hit him again "Stop I beg of you.!" He beg covering his face and she look at the girl "I prepared a treatment for you."
One of her comrades follow and guide her to the clinic "And you Dale. The revenge I shall inflict towards you at first. Mwahahahahahaha!!" She took out his skin and he screamed in pain as his skin tore apart "Pl..Plea..Please...Ahhhh!!!" Then she replaced it to a handsome face mask and grin and caress it "You shall be my toys. Boys!"
And the boys grin in a pervert way and he shook his head "NO! NO!"
"He is yours! Mwahahahahahahahahhahahahaha!!"
He covered his face "NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"

He is from a rich family, but he was disowned for the scandal he continue to create. At first he bullied his maid, then he stole from his own company, got caught by drunk driving. And the last one is hitting the woman arranged for him to marry. Just because he found her ugly. What he hates the most is that women ugly hoping to marry handsome men like him. And that, his father disowned him. But it did not punish him, because he still get his way. Those women kneeling down before him. Giving him things even if he give them nothing in return and hurting those ugly fat women.  Then he resort to beautiful women and he is still successful. He live on their houses and suddenly leaving them, cheating to them. And when they protest they hurt them. Then one time, while he is in bed with lots of girls he was caught in surprise to find out a girl was the one powerful than a man. He smirked "This world has gone too weak to be defeated by a woman. When women cannot live without men." He laughed and shook his head and caress one of his women "And she is too ugly to be on TV." He commented and continue with his thing. He continue to mock and bully ugly women and when they tried to get to her he either mock them or make fun of them. But he never knew the last girl he will bully will be the judgement time.
His father had enough when he heard about this, and his punishment not getting accomplished. So he decided to send Louis to a boarding house in London. Where it's a boys school. And this made Louis even more worse he even do those gays and bully them and hurt them and sometimes sneak to the girl's dorm with the help of the principal he seduced. But he met one girl that get him interested. Blonde, beautiful, sexy and petite. She is interesting, manipulative and a bitch. He thought she'll be the best toy for him. So one time as she is heading to her dorm she was caught in surprise to find him there waiting for her "My, my. You sure are fast. How'd you get here in my room?" She asked looking to her door "I'm sure I locked this door."
"It's called magic my dear."
She laughed "Interesting, you are as handsome as they always said you are."
"And you are perfect my dear. If I may ask would you love to spent a night with me?"
"Hmm...Let me think about that." She smirked "But how about a deal first?"
"A deal?"
"Yeah." She took out a baseball bat and hit his face.

Then a music "Miss Jackson" played in the background and when he return to his consciousness he found her standing there by the radio wearing the same clothes Celia often wear a ruby brooch and a dress and a long boots. He shook his head cannot believe with what he is seeing "Do you know what this song means? Have you ever understand the lyrics?"
"What..What are you talking about?"
"Have you?"
"Yeah..Yeah..It's about a serial killer woman..."
"Then does that remind you of someone?"
She laughed and twirl around "Exactly, Celia. The girl you called stupid and ugly. Well, maybe I agree with ugly. But honestly." She took off the wig revealing a beautiful curly hair and her perfect mask "Maybe, ugly just matched her." She grin he shook his head and try to let go of his chain "I..I don't mean it.."
"Blah, blah, blah. Trying to excuse your way. Sheesh..Men, they are so expert to that." Then showed the baseball bat with her blood on it and grin "It bores me you know." He shook his head "Please, I'll change. I promise. I will change. I won't call women ugly and make fun of them."
"Yeah, you made the same promise to your father. And you had gone worse." She tilt her head and think "Punishment, Punishment what is the good punishment to a guy like you?" Then she look at the whip hanging there "How about I use the same weapon you used to women you hit?"
He shook his head and she grab his collar pin him to the table tied him up there and undo his pants preparing his whip "4o times, the same thing. fair isn't it?"
She hit him all over again while laughing enjoying his suffering and when she stop he fall to the ground can no longer stand or walk as she ushered his men to take him away

He is a successful businessman, powerful since he has the image of a mafia family. But just like the rest half of his men and family were own by Celia. But he still remain his glory and his richness. Richard, is handsome, elegant and intelligent and rich. He has everything under control but he is too pervert to function. Even when he is married, he still cheat toward his wife to endless maids whatever the case is, whether they like it or not. But his wife is naive and just letting him to do what he do even when he is putting it to the porn site. She has no power and she is too in love to leave him. He enjoy stalking them to the cctv and watching them filming their sex. He thought he won't be punished because he did not kill anyone but he got a girl hospitalized because of his desire and his inconsiderate. One time another maid arrive. He is charming and he got into her immediately. while the maid is cleaning his study he went there holding a champagne glass "Hey, aren't you bored of doing the same thing all over again?"
She bow down "Not at all, milord. You are all so kind to me, I'm willing to do everything."
"Really everything?" he said licking his lips and looking at his big boobs and his white legs "Everything?"
"Yes milord?" She smiled and he approach her and caress her arm "I heard you are still a first time. And innocent to all this?"
"Hush. I will give you paradise." He kissed her and slowly undressing her unzipping her dress "Oh, master." She moan between the kisses as they are both naked kissing and playing with each other tonguesand in the corner the eye of an owl figure lighten it's the camera and behind the camera his wife watching quietly shredding out a tear "Poor Eloisa." She widen her eyes and saw Celia standing there  "It's you! That Celia."
"Yeah. Man, being popular is sure is a pain in the ass. Look at him. Do you really want to stay to a guy like that?"
"I don't have a choice." She look down "Do you still love him?" She clutched her chest and shook her head "I love  someone else, but I cannot leave him." 
"Be..Because. My family will be furious and if they knew I..."
"Don't worry I got that taken care of." She ushered towards the camera

Richard is busy kissing the body of his maid  towards her pussy he lick it as she gave sweet comments and fingered it and look at the eyes of his new maid that now is naked as she moan in pleasure he smiled at her and she smiled at him back "Come kiss me more sweetie" She ushered and the guy kiss him passionately and kiss her neck while he is busy kissing her beautiful neck she showed her hand with a violet knife in hold Eloisa suddenly got alerted and look at the camera "Your going to kill him?"
"No, sweetie. Look at him, it's going to be a waste. I'm going to punish him."
"Admit it, you think he deserves it as well don't you?"
"Your too kind for your own good. The man you love will be with you, and we can make him good as dead and all his property is yours."
She look at her and smile "Your right. After all, he never noticed me, all he did was cheat."
She laughed "Good girl." She open the door and there is the man, his very own brother as they embrace "At last, his madness is going to end here." His brother said and she nod as they embrace
"Oh love. Well, gotta go. I'm bored."

It was a pleasurable day for him. She is perfect, she has that sexy body made of milk. He caress her nipples and she moan in pleasure it's like a melody to his ears "Come, darling. Come at me." She requested and so he put her in a proper place and went inside her "Oh god. It's huge." She said laughing as they kissed tongue played in each other's mouth as she caress his manly chest as he do her back and forth listening to her sweet moan he come back and forth kissing her petite body "Babe, your so perfect." He said between moan "Oh, yes. I love it. Faster, and faster" He goes faster as their sounds collide body touch and he suck her nipples caressing it to his nipple and went to kiss her lips then suddenly his  eyes widen "Me..Melissa...What..." He look at her to be faced with an evil grin "April Fools day, sweetie."
He gasped and fall to the ground touching his stomach that now full in blood she flip her hair "Your such an easy prey. But don't worry. I will give you so much pleasure that you will beg to stop." She said as she forced to kiss his lips and Celia appeared "This a good offering Celia, the girls would love this."
Celia raised her eyebrows "I still don't get why this is a good thing, Melissa?"
Melissa laughed "Someday you will."
"I don't think so." She wave her hand as Melissa carry him to her arms as he weakly protest and call for his wife but there is no answer.

He was tied in the bedroom with all women around him, he is already pale and tired. He was emptied as those girls stole all sperm but they never stop fucking him. Even when he is tired. He drove in and out of consciousness but they never stop. His back is bleeding because they also fuck his behind and he is looking there in the ceiling numb meanwhile in the empty room of Felix Celia is twirling laughing out loud looking at the screen at his new toys screaming, crying, numb and hurt as Felix put down his head and silently shed a tears.

"See that! THis is fun!" She told herself.

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