Liam lets out a shaky breath as soon as she's away and leans back against the locker, he could see people pointing to him and whispering. After all, one of the most popular, maybe hottest, girl just asked him out.

He just hopes this doesn't happen again.


"Hey everyone!" Liam greets as he sits on the lunch table where all his friends were sat. He noticed immediately that Zayn was missing.

He got a chorus of 'hey's back and a narrow-eyes look from Harry, to which he frowns at, "What?" he asks his cousin.

"I don't know, you tell me." Harry replies, still donning the same look. Liam decides to ignore him for a while and turns to face Louis, "So, what's up, lads?"

Louis groans, "I was just telling others 'bout 'me Math teacher. That guy has a serious grudge against me, I swear t' God," Liam chuckles and Niall elbows Louis in the side.

"And tell them what have to done to earn his grudge, Lou." Niall urges and Louis smirks devilishly, "I put glue in his hat, the other day." Everyone laughs and Louis shrugs, "Hey! It was innocent fun, doesn't mean he has to stare me down all the damn time..."

Liam laughs again but gets distracted shortly afterwards. He can see Zayn approaching the table. He straightened up in his seat and observed his moves. It looked as if he was observing each person on the table, as if trying to look for someone.

And then, his eyes found Liam's and they instantly widened. As soon as Zayn saw Liam was there, he made a straight 180 and walked out the doors. Liam could tell what had happened was seen by everyone, and that they were confused. Just like he was.

"What just happened?" Niall asks in a quiet voice, and Louis nods in agreement, still looking at the doors from where Zayn had exited, "Yeah, what's wrong with him?"

"Well, I'd do the same if I were him," Harry says in a casual tone and all heads snap back to him. Liam is the one to speak up, "What? Why do you say that?"

Harry glares at Liam, "He ran off because of you, Liam." Liam looks at him, incredulously, "Why? What have I done?" Shouldn't Liam be the one, who's angry at Zayn? He'd been the one so painfully rejected.

"What have you done?" Harry asks him, laughing bitterly, "Why don't you go ask that girl you were desperately flirting with!" he growls lowly and Liam can't believe him.

"Wha- Oh, Tami," Liam is finally hit with realisation, but Harry (and possibly Zayn) has gotten it all wrong.

"Yeah, Tami." Harry spits, "You know what, Liam? I was actually on your side on this, the whole situation with you and him. God, I was so rude to him earlier. But if you think trying to act like a complete fuckboy will make you feel better and have the upper hand, it won't, okay? It makes you even more of an arse than you are!"

"Harry, you don't understa-" Harry cuts Liam off, "I don't want to hear, Liam. I couldn't believe, you of all peop-" Liam stops him from completing by slamming his hand on the table, making a loud noise.

"Why are you so angry? You weren't the one who got absolutely humiliated and heartbroken at the same time!" Liam roars. There is a silence in which both glare at each other, which is followed by clearing of a throat. It's Louis.

They'd completely forgotten that they had company with them. "Is there...something that we're missing?" Louis asks awkwardly, looking between Liam and Harry. Niall and Ashton were doing the same.

Liam shakes his head, "No," at the same time Harry mutters a 'yes'. Louis raises a questioning eyebrow at him and Liam sighs, "It's personal, guys."

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