Season 1 Episode 2 Wildly Inappropriate

Start from the beginning

Holly: *this is a joke right?* expression

Kelly: *oh, well this is happening* expression

Melissa: *don’t you look so cute* expression

Christi: *just shoot me now* expression

Both of my quotes of the day came from Christi after she saw the costumes. First, she said, “So, I guess we’re going for skin to win.” The second being, probably her most famous line yet, “They look like prosti-tots!” Christi was right on with the costumes when she said that the girls have worn costumes smaller, it’s just that the outfit looked way to mature and a little sleazy and she was none to pleased when Chloe announced how much she loved the costume and the dance. Abby couldn’t have cared less about what the moms thought, so they probably should’ve saved their breath.

Next, Abby had a private with Vivi and awarded her with a duet with Mackenzie. This would be the first time we’d ever seen Mackenzie dance. While Mackenzie and Vivi practiced their dance Cathy was sent up to the viewing room and officially met all of the moms for the first time. Let me just say, she didn’t make the best first impression. The moms were busy stoning the Electricity costumes, when Cathy came in. She immediately asked if someone was stoning her costumes for her or if she had to do it herself, because she doesn’t know how to sew, since she has a personal seamstress at her studio. Sounded a tad condescending there Cathy, just a tad. This comment was met with a series of eye rolls from the other moms. Yep, definitely not the best first impression.

 Later on in the night Christi had a mini-meltdown. The producers made it out to look like she was crazy, but I think she was just having a hard time with the transition. I’m pretty positive that the girls didn’t have to be at the studio for 6 hours everyday before the show started and the moms definitely didn’t need to be there. Christi was stressed out because this is new territory for her and some people can handle it better then others. I’m personally not the best with big transitions. She was just overwhelmed because she hadn’t figured out a schedule for everything yet. I’m glad she left because if she staid she would’ve just felt a whole lot worse. I’m also glad that she made Chloe stay, because Abby would’ve flipped and Chloe needed the practice for the competition the next day. She handled it as best as she could.

Competition Day! It took them 4 hours to drive from Pittsburg to Lancaster. Cathy looked like she was going to throw up all over Abby on the bus. Maybe I have messed up views on what’s fun, but I think it would be awesome going on a coach bus for 4 hours. Everyone just looked like they were having so much fun, talking, watching movies, listening to music, and making forts. (I don’t know if that’s in this episode, but they do that a lot) And when they had to get ready on the bus…. I love chaos and everything looked so great! I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.

When the team reached the competition Maddie and Chloe were already dressed, ready to preform their solos. Chloe’s Baby Mine solo was amazing! Before I rewatched the episode I thought it wasn’t her best, for some reason, but it really was amazing! *Interesting Fact: The music used for Chloe’s solo is actually call Ma He’s Making Eyes At Me, but when editing the show they had to play music over it because of copyright issues.* Maddie’s solo was beautiful as well. It’s not my favorite one of her solos, but it definitely showed how talented she is. I’d just like to point out that the show tried to make a big deal about how Abby gave Maddie more attention after her solo then Chloe, but that wasn’t the case at all! Abby gave them the exact same response! She said they were both amazing, but I guess Maddie got a hug while Chloe got a correction. I can almost guarantee that Chloe got a hug and Maddie got a correction, but it wasn’t shown. Abby even said at the competition that they were neck and neck. During the awards Maddie won Petite Miss Starquest and it was hinted at that Chloe lost to Maddie, but what we’re forgetting about this season is that for some of the competitions, Chloe and Maddie are in different age categories. Chloe actually won 1st in the Junior division, but she wasn’t entered into Junior Miss Starquest, for some reason. So Maddie and Chloe both won, people!    

After the solo awards Vivi and Mackenzie preform their duet and Cathy says something that strikes a cord in me. She said that Mackenzie wasn’t heads and shoulders above Vivi. I know that Mackenzie isn’t as amazing as she is now, because she’s so young, but she’s still very advanced and if she’s not head and shoulders above Vivi, then she’s at least a head. While Vivi was shaking her butt, Mackenzie was doing front walkovers. Just saying….  It wasn’t shown in the episode, but their duet ended up not placing.

Now it’s time for the infamous Electricity number. They did the funniest montage, where they showed the competitors, doing cute little age-appropriate numbers, and then they’d flip back to filming the girls walking down the hall in their costumes (or lack there of). The main thing I noticed during the dance, which I noticed during rehearsal, was that Chloe was in the center, at least for half of the dance. Chloe was the lead for Electricity, even though Abby announced at pyramid that Maddie would be. Either Maddie and Chloe occasionally switched places during the dance and took turns front and center OR on the second taping, which they always do after the competition for more footage, they switched Maddie and Chloe’s parts to make it look like Maddie was made the lead instead of Chloe. I’m leaning towards idea 2, but I’m not positive. Either way the dance didn’t place and Abby’s reasoning behind it all was, “maybe the judges didn’t like you”. Ya Abby, that was why.

There can’t be a Dance Moms episode without a screaming match, so at the very end of the episode the producers slipped in a confrontation with Holly and Christi against Abby. They were basically complaining about the maturity of the dance, blah blah blah. But, Abby really couldn’t have cared less about what their opinions were. So it ended up with everyone annoyed and Abby claiming that she was “verbally abused” which is just a load of (you know what).

And that’s a wrap! I’m giving this episode 2 out of 5 stars this week. ** There was just a lot of shadiness behind the scenes that I didn’t like. It should’ve been recognized that Chloe got 1st and that she was the lead in the group. You should never try to hide a child’s accomplishments, especially not from the entire world.

Brooke’s back is getting worse by the week, but when she gets her big opportunity from Abby will she choose dance or her health? By the way, next episode’s group dance is one of my favorites ever! Definitely getting excited about re-watching that one!

*What did you think about the Electricity number? Do you have a Holly or a Melissa attitude about it all? Do you think there’s favoritism between Abby and the girls? Am I crazy to want to be on that 4 hour bus ride? (Please say it’s not just me) Comment Bellow!*  

*On the side I posted a stunning picture of Chloe in her Baby Mine costume and a video of Chloe’s Baby Mine solo, to its original music, Ma, He’s Making Eyes at Me. I DO NOT OWN the picture OR the video.

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