15 | February Strolls

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03 February 2015

I believe that I am overreacting that Dan messaged me saying that he would like to hang out later today. I asked him what the special occasion was and he simply stated that he wanted to spend some more time with me. Is this a sign?

Well, I agreed — as I always do — and I guess I'll see what he has planned. I'll try to remember to write about it at some point.

Hopefully I come back with my heart fully intact. Bye!

— (Y/N) xx

Dan was lazily lounged out on your bed, watching as you tore the closet apart in search of some decent clothes — you were still clad in your bedtime wear when Dan had unexpectedly arrived at your flat. And now, he watched you, critiquing your every action.

"Why must you take so long to choose an outfit? We're literally not doing anything that special," he plainly vocalized his impatient thoughts. He shifted so that his body was fully sprawled out on the mattress, occupying all of the space.

"Have you ever considered that I actually want to not look like trash out in public?" You remarked with a slight sass.

"Oh, but you never look like trash, darling." He shifted again, this time so that he was sitting upright, the sly smile on his face the only thing that you could focus on. You rolled your eyes humorously at his use of the pet name.

After a substantial amount of time you had acquired some garments which were slung over your arm. "Get out, I need to change."

His smile fell. "Aw, can't I just stay in here?" His face contorted to resemble one of innocence, which — unfortunately for him — did not work on you.

"Ha, no."

* * *

Once the two of you were out of the apartment, he revealed that he had just planned to go on a walk — nothing too extravagant. That meant that you had to be able to keep a conversation going, but with Dan it felt as if it didn't matter if there were long pauses — silence would still result in a good time.

Unfortunately for the both of you, the pavement had frozen, proving a stroll to be a challenge. You had to constantly glance down at the ground as to not accidentally step over the frozen patches. It was several times that you came severely close to losing your balance, but Dan had been by your side to catch you. It was at that point that you thought it a bad time for you to wear heeled boots.

Twice in an hour if had happened again. Your foot skidded across the thin sheet of ice, your sense of balance seemingly gone. To your luck, Dan's wits had kicked in and he had successfully steadied you, keeping you from falling on the ground.

"Maybe we should take a different route," he suggested when you had almost slipped for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah, I don't want to end up with a broken skeleton," you chuckled.

He had taken you off and into a lonesome park. Everything was completely blanketed in snow, and the two of you were about to ruin the virgin snow with your footprints.

The two of you strolled through the snow, leaving wet footprints behind on the once up disturbed snow. Occasionally, you would feel Dan's hand brush against your own; whether he did it on purpose or on accident, you did not know.



Hi! I totally procrastinated writing this chapter all week 😁 also, you may have realized that this story has absolutely no plot and that's because I just want to focus on building up the relationship between Dan and the reader. So, yeah, I hope you don't mind. xx

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