Chapter 29 - Part Of The Family

Start from the beginning

“But— but Jenny. She wants Niall,” I state, still sounding like an idiot and Rhonda laughs again.

“I know, dear, but she’ll get over that. It wasn’t nice and you should’ve been more thoughtful of your sister, but oh well, we can’t control our hearts, can we? She’s really mad, but she’ll get over it. And now you can even help her to get another of the boys. I’ve heard the other one, Liam, is single again!”

“Yes,” I confirm because Niall told me Liam and Sophia broke up… she broke up with him. Long story and I won’t share that with Rhonda.

“See? You can help both your sisters now! This is wonderful. I’m so proud of you, Arabella. You are finally doing what’s right by dating this boy. This is wonderful news!” She claps and walks away, almost dancing, too excited, but I still can’t move.

“So… so you want me to be with Niall?” I ask, still confused.

Rhonda turns around, her blue eyes fixed on me and that bright smile still on her lips. “Of course, dear! I would’ve preferred your sister to be with him, but I’m happy for you. All this time this is what I wanted you to do, to see the opportunity. You are finally following the path I want for you three.”

I feel like ice is taking over me as I hear her, shock, dread and horror running through my veins, getting to every single part of my body.

Rhonda is happy for me. She wants me to be with Niall. I’m doing what she always wanted me to do. I’m following the path she wants for Jenny and Kimmy. She is delighted that I’m dating a celebrity.

She’s not mad. She won’t ruin my life… because I’m ruining it myself. All what I despised for so many years, all that pity for the life Jenny and Kimmy were pursuing, for letting Rhonda control them and mould them at her will. All that is what I’m doing. All what I refused to be part of is now my life. And I chose this. I chose to be this because of what Niall makes me feel. I chose to be this bloody cliché, the maid who fell in love with the rich prince who came to save her.

I chose Niall and by choosing him, I chose all what Rhonda loves. All what she wants for her daughters… for me, her stepdaughter, as well. I chose what I swore I would never do. I threw all what I fought against for so many years to the rubbish bin.

How… how did I end up here?

“This is wonderful!” Rhonda exclaims and when I look up I notice she’s blurry and it’s because I have tears in my eyes. I feel them running down my cheeks. “Oh, are you crying of happiness? I feel like crying, too, Arabella! Don’t worry, it’s normal.”

“I’m doing what you always wanted me to do,” I mumble and she claps, her smile even wider. Pride is written all over her face.

“This was always my dream but you always fought me. You never saw that I just wanted the best for you. You always saw me as the bad one of this story, but I just wanted you to be happy. If I hadn’t done what I did with your father’s business, you would’ve never met this boy. I did all this not for me, sweetheart. I did it for you three: Jennifer, Kimberly, and you, Arabella,” she explains and I feel cold, I feel numb and I feel like an idiot. “Aren’t you happy?”

I was… I was happy until I realised what I was really doing. How I betrayed myself. It’s okay, celebrities are not the problem, they are just pieces of Rhonda’s plan. I know that now, I don’t have to hate them. But by choosing Niall, I chose to be part of her game. To be another piece of her plan. I can’t be happy knowing I’m doing what she wants. I just… I can’t.

“Oh, dear Arabella! I didn’t think you were going to be the first to do the right thing, but I’m proud. I’m so proud of you.” One tear escapes her left eye and she wipes it away as she chuckles, bewildered with all what’s happening. “You are finally part of this family, Arabella. You finally accepted you are one of us. I’m so happy! Oh, come here, my daughter!” She exclaims and approaches quickly, hugging me again but I don’t feel anything. I don’t move. I’m frozen.

What have I done?

“I— I need to go,” I say and Rhonda pulls back.

“Oh sure, sure. You want to be with your boyfriend. And don’t worry about your chores anymore. You really need to make him completely fall in love with you before summer ends. Go, go, be happy with him!” She encourages me and I feel sick, oh so sick that when I ran outside her office I go straight to the toilet and throw up.

This isn’t happening. No. I didn’t do this. Oh God, no.


Dedication to @Pickles4You for that great comment.  

Bel, xx

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