Between Practices Two and Three cont.

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When I first woke up, I looked around in panic, not recognising my surroundings. It took me a minute to realise that I was still in Roderich's house, conveniently tucked in bed. I knew for a fact that I hadn't fallen asleep there... had I? With a yawn, I clambered to my feet and walked to the doorway. According to the grandfather clock at the end of the hall (typical Master Prissy), it was around three in the afternoon.

"Roderich?" I called softly, not wanting to wake Roderich up should he be sleeping.

"In the kitchen!"

I quickly closed the door behind me and headed downstairs. "You should have woken me up! It's so late!" I scolded.

Roderich shrugged. "It's Saturday, and you looked like you needed the rest. Sandwich?"

"Aitäh." I mumbled as I took the sandwich, starting to nibble on the crust, "I wasn't that tired, Roderich."

"Apparently you were if you slept for that long."

"Oh, fuck you." I groaned and sat down at the table, still glaring at Roderich, "You're an asshole."

"You swear a lot."

"I can swear as much as I fucking want."

Roderich laughed quietly and sat across from me.

"I never would have thought of you as the type of person to swear the first time I met you."

"Mhm, and that was before people started pushing us around for being in a choir."

"I thought it was for being gay." Roderich said dryly.

"The two are pretty much synonymous."

"Fair enough. But still, you used to be so sweet. Now you have these walls up and it's like you aren't the same person anymore."

"Like you have room to talk." I mumbled. Still, I knew he was right. I sighed and glanced up at Roderich. "I'm sorry. I'm not being fair to you. None of this is your fault and I'm taking it out on you."

Roderich smiled softly. "That's quite alright. Now, let's get back to work, shall we?"

I nodded. "Okay. How many more copies do we have to make?"


I closed my eyes, trying not to groan.

"It will be fine. I'll be here to help." Roderich assured.

Okay. Okay, I could do this. We could do this.

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