Between Practises Two and Three

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I had been very tempted to end the choir there. We were terrible and everyone knew it. Frankly, if it weren't for Roderich, I wouldn't have made it.

"I'm surprised you agreed to a Disney medley." I said with a yawn as I sorted through the music, highlighting each key change so it would be easier to find and work on.

"Believe me, I don't like it." Roderich sighed, "I'm just being realistic. This group isn't exactly skilled enough to sing anything with class."

I laughed and sat next to Roderich, shaking my head. Roderich frowned.

"Eduard, you look exhausted." he said worriedly.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, "Maybe I'm a bit tired, but it's nothing big."

"How much sleep have you been getting?"

I went silent and looked down.

"Eduard..." Roderich sighed and had me lay down on the couch, "You need your sleep."

My face turned scarlet and I quickly shook my head, trying to get up, but Roderich held me down. At length, I gave up with a sigh.

"I'm fine, okay?" I tried.

"You aren't. Now get some sleep before I drug you." Roderich said half-jokingly.

My blush deepened at that and I nodded reluctantly. I didn't like sleeping when I could be doing something productive, but with Rodrich pinning me down, there wasn't exactly anything I could do anyways. And as much as I hated to admit it, it kind of felt nice knowing that Roderich cared about my well-being, even it if was embarrassing. I sighed again and allowed myself to close my eyes. The last thing I remembered before drifting off was Roderich gently pulling a blanket up to my chin. The blanket felt like it was knit, and it took me no time to recognise it as something I had made for Roderich's birthday during my 'I'm going to be productive and knit all of my presents for people' phase. Of course, it ended when I realised I was terrible at knitting. I was surprised that Roderich had bothered to keep it.

By the time I woke up, it was dark outside. "Damn..." I mumbled, "I won't be able to catch the bus now..." Sure, I could, but I've always hated taking the bus at night. Between my lacking physique and my general hatred for human interaction when not absolutely necessary, it was just a bad thing, especially when stronger men sat next to me and I generally feared for my life. It would be no challenge whatsoever for them to abduct me and take me home and... I'll stop myself there before I give myself a panic attack.

Roderich, who was fully aware of my distaste for public transport past sunset and likely felt the same way, was sitting next to me and blessedly offered to let me stay the night. I'll spare you the boring details of how we got ready for bed and such, but what surprised me was Roderich's hospitality. No... this was more than hospitality. It was almost a tenderness that I had never seen in the prickly Austrian before. He went so far as to check on me once I was in bed (well, on the couch) to make sure I had enough blankets.

As I mulled this over, sleep overtook me once more and the world faded to black.

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