De-aging and School Projects

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Gabriel POV

Well I'm fucked

I was fighting a witch when she put a curse on me. I don't even know what kind.

I just hope this isn't forever

Then, all of a sudden I felt different. I felt smaller. I went up to a mirror and couldn't believe what I saw.

I was a kid again....


Cas's POV

I can't believe its already friday. It's finally the weekend!

I wonder what Dean's doing

No, better not think about him. You have more important things to worry about, like Gabriel's 'problem'

After hunting a witch, Gabriel has Ben put under a spell that made him 4 years younger than I am.

We don't know how long the curse will be, but for the time being, he will be going to the middle school.

"Alright, here's what's going to happen," the teacher said pulling me out of my thoughts, "I'm going to pair you guys off and I want you to get as much information on your partner as possible. Then, you are to write a paper on this person, got it?"

There was a mix of nods and "yes"s.

"Good, I'm going to start pairing you guys off"

I stopped listening until I heard the teacher say something I wasn't expecting

"Novak! Your with Winchester"



Sam's POV

I sat in class, doing my homework and ignoring the occasional "nerd" and "you'll never get laid".

I don't understand how paying attention and doing homework would affect my sex life, but ok.

"Class! I have a couple announcements to make." The teacher said

"The first thing is I want to welcome our new student, Gabriel Novak."

I turned to look at the new boy and I couldn't help but stare.

He was so beautiful it was unbelievable. He had golden hair that was almost as long as mine. And his eyes looked like sunshine going through a glass of whiskey.


"The second announcement is that I want you all to work with another student of your choice, learn about them, and write a paper"

Great, like anyone's ever going to pick me

All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Gabriel standing above me.

"Hey! What's your name?"

"I-Im Sam" I stuttered

"Heya Samsquatch! Wanna work together?"

"Its Sam, and sure" I answer.

We exchange phone numbers and decide to meet up at his house later today.

This is going to be fun

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