"I'll be back soon."


Sure enough, half an hour later, the man was uncuffing me from the bed, stroking my straightened hair tenderly as he did so. "Good girl. You didn't even strain your wrist or anything," he murmured, kissing the top of my head. "Everyone is very excited."

I grimaced at this. "There's going to be an uprising. What would your parents-"

"They already know, silly. They don't care. They just want us happy."

"They want you happy, you mean. No one cares about how I feel," I mumbled. "My happiness means nothing in this world." 

Dominic frowned, but gave up, and I let him drag me down the steps and towards the back door, my hand interlaced with his. "How many people are here?" I whispered.

"Not too many. A few dozen, all Alphas from the surrounding regions, a few close friends of mine, my family, the Shifters in the area."

I shrunk into his side as he exited the house, and I was faced with a crowd of people. Alfie and Andrew were standing to the left of the deck, and Alfie looked very guilty. Andrew stepped forward, taking my elbow and pulling me over to him.

"The King will make a speech about you before introducing you fully, so you'll stand with us until then," Andrew explained. "Cute little plan you guys tried to make. Next time, move away from the office."

I bowed my head and stood beside Alfie, who swallowed loudly. "I'm sorry, Cara. I screwed up-"

"It's okay," I mumbled. "Not your fault."

Andrew nudged me playfully. "Don't look so sad. This is an honor. You're royalty now. And Dominic is going to take care of you. He's a good guy. A good mate."

"You're wrong," I said simply. "He marked me."

"I marked Alfie. Does that make me a bad guy?"

"No," I scoffed. "Alfie wanted it. I didn't."

Andrew shrugged. "You'll understand in time, little girl."

"When I've become his mindless pet that he only cares for when I'm carrying his mutts?" I snarled. "You guys may have been smart this time, but if you think I'm done trying to get to freedom, you're sorely mistaken."

Alfie had flinched at the word "mutts", something I had never said aloud before. Even though I wasn't one, and the word really meant nothing to me, it still tasted funny coming out of my mouth. I knew it was rude and inappropriate.

Andrew growled softly. "You can't use that language to your future people."

"Wanna bet? I could say it while I'm in the spotlight. How'd you like that?"

This made Andrew grin wickedly. "Nice try, kid. You may be feisty, but you're a coward."

I opened my mouth to argue, but my hand was grasped in Dominic's, and he dragged me back to the center of the deck.

"My chosen mate and your queen, Caroline," Dominic called.

I'd rather have gotten boos and shouts than what I did get. I got half silence and half uproarious laughter. Dominic's face fell into a scowl, and he looked down at me, sensing my immediate distress and anger. "Cara, don't-"

"I told you!" I snapped, ripping my arm from his grip. "This is wrong and sick! And they all know it! They're just laughing because they don't know what the hell to do!"

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