What? Just because he is a jerk doesn't mean I still don't find him attractive and sexy. Still, the fact remained that today was my day, and he wasn't about to ruin my day. I refused to even look at him or thank him for saving me from a nasty fall; I just stepped out of the way and allowed him in first. The others were piling in as I took my bag off and climbed in the car and onto Maxon's lap.

We were so close, and his smell was intoxicating. I just wanted to lean back and bury my face in the nook of his neck and claim him as mine. Wait, what? What was I saying? I shook it off ignored the feelings he made me feel. Feelings that I knew I shouldn't have.

He was the high school jock that made it his life mission to treat me like crap and ruin my self-esteem. I mean he was the one who had everyone calling me fat. I wasn't even that big nor was I chubby or fat. Yes, I had a small amount of fat still on my stomach but that was from baby fat. I mean get real before today I was sixteen. By werewolf law, I was still a child. I haven't been able to shift for my body to take on the changes my wolf brings.

Just thinking about all he's done to me caused me to become angry.

Calm down. Remember, today is our day. We won't allow them to ruin it, my wolf soothed.

I smiled and nodded inwardly. She was right. We rode in silence and every once in awhile, I would catch Alex looking back at me, making sure I was OK. I always nodded, which helped him relax. Maxon wrapped his arms around my waist, trying to keep me stable from all the constant bumps Alex was hitting.

"You're my mate," Maxon whispered. It was just low enough that I was the only one to hear it, and even with wolf hearing I barely caught it.

"I'm not joining in your games today Maxon. You are NOT ruining my birthday," I whispered back. He sat silently for a moment, most likely trying to think of another angle to trick me from.

"I'm serious. You smell good. It's like a mixture between roses and vanilla," I froze instantly.

No one knew about my wolf's scent but me because I haven't shifted yet. It was going to happen tonight, in front of the whole pack. That way they could become familiar with my scent and wouldn't get it crossed with anyone else's or a rogues' or another pack. I turned to face him, instantly becoming lost in his crystal blue ocean eyes.

Mate, my wolf screamed at me. Great. She was right; I would never live this one down...

He can't be my mate! He has teased me for years, I told her refusing to believe it.

All the while, I never took my eyes off his. We stared at each other with everybody else completely oblivious to us. Emery and Annie and Juan and Vanessa were making out, and Alex and Natalie were engrossed in some conversation. It was just us.

Un-mated wolves wouldn't be able to understand what I am about to explain. Having a mate is a lifetime commitment. Your mate is your literal other half. Your exact opposites but completely the same in the next breath. What you can't do your mate can and vice versa. When you find them and your eyes meet, for that moment nobody else matters. It's just you and your mate. The wolf in you wants to get loose and complete the mating process by marking one another, and then finally mating will seal your bond.

What your mate is you are. If your mate has an Alpha bloodline line, through the mating process your blood from then on becomes Alpha blood. If your mate is one of the Specials, then you can tap into their extra abilities. If your mate is killed or died, then you will die too...

Once you meet and mate, one cannot live without the other. There are things one could do to rid himself or herself of a mate, but it could kill them while most definitely killing the mate.

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