《9》A Bit Too Fast?

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Sunday Night

Alex's POV

"No way! Bella and Jacob definitely belong together!"

"Are you crazy? Bella and Edward are so much better!" I say and Jax laughed as I snuggled into him. 

We were sat, reclined on the side of my couch watching the infamous Twighlight Saga. While at first we were criticizing it the more we watched it the more into it we got.

"Really?" He asked as her turned his head from the tv towards me.

"Yeah, I mean Jacob had his shot with Bella and he blew it. Besides a human and a vampire who come from two separate worlds but still love each other. How romantic is that?" I popped a kurnel into my mouth and watched as Jax's eyes widened.

He slowly leaned back into me and popped a popcorn curnel into his own mouth. "Yeah, you're right." He smiled up at me.

A few minutes passed with us semi watching the movie, once in a while critiquing it. Mostly on my part. Can you blame me though? I mean being a writer sure does help knowing what's wrong in movies.

"Ok, that's it!" Jax said as he grabbed a fist full of popcorn and three it at me. Most of it landing in my hair.

"Hey! What did I do?" I laughed, throwing some back at him.

"Lets make a rule. You can't criticize  this movie for the next 5 minutes and if you do we turn it off and play 20 questions." He threatend, very well knowing that I wasn't the biggest fan of that game.


●●3 minutes later●●

"What's your full name?"

"Alexis Marie Garcia. But just call me Alex. You?"

"Jaxson Dean Novoa. How did you find me in the alley behind the Seven?"

"Ugh, why do we have to play this?" I groaned and flung a throw pillow at Jax.

"Because you couldn't not insult the lighting in the scene. And that was your 5th question." He laughed as he hugged the pillow towards himself .

"Well, to be 100% honest I may or may not have seen you walk into the alley while I was buying the ciggarettes from the gas station across the street and decided to follow you because you seemed pretty distraught and I was worried." I blushed. Admitting my feelings was always a hard subject for me. Especially to guys.

"Aww you were worried." He teased and poked me while laughing.

"Oh shut up." I smiled but tried hard to remain pouty.  "Um...do you have a girlfriend?"

His head shot up and he opened his mouth to say something before I interrupted.

"Just because i wouldn't want her to get jealous or for you to have to lie about where you are. I know girls can get a bit jealous sometimes."

"Well actually, no. My last girlfriend cheated on me with this other kid and was constantly breaking up with me to go back to him. It's complicated,  but to answer your question. No."
He looked down and fumbled with his hands. He looked so cute. So innocent.

I reached out and grabbed his hand. I looked up, my crystal blue eyes meeting his warm brown one's before asking.

"You wanna drink?"
Emma's POV
"I don't know."

"Well have you tried calling him?"

"Yes, Andi I've tried calling him but it hasn't really worked out." I sighed and focused my attention on a picture frame of Jax and I from last year.

It had been our 6 month anniversary and Jax wanted to celebrate for whatever reason. We were sat around a table, roses and a candle in the middle, like in those chickflicks. In the picture you could see Jax's hand around my shoulder and he was kissing my cheek. Man, I miss that.

"Well then you need to go talk to him face to face." Andi's words made there way into my brain and I knew that I had to.

"Thanks Andi, you're right."
I grabbed my jacket and put on some shoes before leaving.

I arrived at Jax's door. Good thing his house is only about 10 blocks from mine. Why they decided to put mansions so close to regular houses I will never understand.

I knocked on the door, a tall slender figure stood over me.

"Hello Mr. Novoa, is Jax here?"

"Sorry Emma, he's not home yet. He should be back in about an hour if you would like to wait here. Jessie's actually missed you a lot, maybe you could keep her company? I need to head off to the Magic Realm and ill be back by 8, same time as Jax. And don't worry, he'll be here, he knows the consequences if  hes not." Mr. Novoa answered already casting a spell to leave.

I nodded, "sure. I'll just wait it out." I walked into the kitchen, where Jessie was baking just as Mr. Novoa transported out of the house.

"EMMA!" Jessie squealed when she saw me. "I've missed you so much."

Jax's POV

"Wow, I missed literally all of that" Alex answered.

I laughed, everything around me suddenly becoming 100x funnier.

"Ok...ok." Alex slowed her words  trying to get her point across.

"Why?" I chuckled and took my 7th shot of vodka.

"Because, why would you give this girl a second chance?" Alex asked and as I looked up at her, her face seemed a bit different. Everything about her seemed more enticing and I couldn't understand why.

"Well f- for one, I had never had a seriouses girlfriend." I slurred.

"No way" she covered her mouth as she giggled at me. "You can't possibly be serious." She paused and realized I was serious.

"Wow, Mr.Handsome over here didn't have a serious girlfriend until he was 15. Unbelievable." She took another shot and I looked at her again. Even more intrigued than I had been before.

"Well...when did you?"

"About 15 too. We would sneak into concerts together and we had our first kiss after that. It was really great...he was really great." She said, making eye contact with me. And i had a feeling of familiarity wash over me.

"W- wait wait wait. You can't make f- fun of me for having a girlfriend at 15 but you having that t- too." I stuttered, talking suddenly becoming a lot more difficult after my 9th shot.

"Well, I'm not exactly Princess Beauty." She smiled.

"Well, I think you're beautiful." I smiled back and bit my lip as my eyes skimmed over her face.

"You're not so bad yourself." She leaned closer to me. "And you really rock that leather jacket." She teasingly ran her finger up and down my abs.

"Well, you look incredibly hot in that dress." I responded, taking my 10th shot of vodka and finally giving in.

Our mouths clashed together and I couldn't help but wanting more. I felt a kind of lust i had never felt before. It felt like I was under a spell. She pulled me by my collar and I grabbed her by her waist deepening the kids when she abrumptly stopped.

"Jax, you're drunk and it's all happening a bit too fast. Here, I'll walk you home." She said and I nodded, still in a state of blurs and confusion and we made our way out the door.

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