Meiko's Idea

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When the house was full of all the invited guests, Rin cleared her throat to get their atention. "Hello everyone! Welcome to my first oficial sleepover! I hope you all have a great time and if you need anything just ask!" Everyone nodded understandingly and returned to their devices. So much for spending quality time... I made my way to Len who was sitting on his banana beanbag and sat in his lap exaustingly. Len put his arms around me in response. "It's freezing in here!" Rin shruged her shoulders and chuckled. "Well it's winter... duh..." Luka turned her head towards them and smirked. As soon as Rin locked eyes with her Luka began to stand up and make her way towards them. When she was no less than two feet away she bent down and cupped Len's ear with her hands. "So... you two dating?" She whispered. A dark red blush krept across his cheeks. "N-NO!" Obviously he was a bit to loud because everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the three questionly. Miku glared at Luka and then Len who was red as Meiko's shirt. "Luka... what did you do now?" Luka looked devilishly at Rin and Len and then back at Miku. "Nothing... just heard that these two are dating..." She then walked back to her spot with a confident smile on her face as everyone began gasping. Rin's face began to turn red also. "NO WE'RE NOT! TH-THAT'S GROSS!" Luka rose again from her chair. "How about we play truth or dare!?" Everyone exept Rin and Len began cheering and clapping. They always knew that nothing good ever came from this game. Meiko stood up angrily. "No!" Everyone stopped and stared at the brown haired girl with awe. "But Meiko!" Miku whimpered. Before she could finish Meiko put her hand out. "That game is boring! If you want something fun, you should add some challenge to it! We all know that everyone always chickens out, so why not make it harder to chicken out!?" The group looked at her in confusment so she went on. "I say we play Truth, Dare, or Drink! If you chicken out on a truth or dare you must drink for either the time of a countdown from ten or the alphebet!" After a few seconds everyone got the idea of the game and agreed.... exept Rin and Len. Their mom had never alowed them to drink underaged and they were finally trusted with their own house. This could ruin it all! But if course, majority always wins so they went with it. I mean, how bad could it possibly be?

Author's Note: In this chapter I added a little more Rin x Len action! What could possibly go wrong... right? Find out in the next chapter!

Truth, Dare, or Drink!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن