Chapter 15

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Jenny's POV

Legolas and I had been searching for Welion for five minutes in silence. I was angry beyond anything I had ever been before and I could feel my hair turn more vibrantly red. It appeared as if I had a flaming head that I had just caught on fire. I turned to Legolas, saw the fire also burning in his eyes, and slowed. It took him only on stride to notice my absence. "Legolas," I whispered with a weak voice, "I think we should... wait a bit. If we keep running, he will run away. If we wait for him, he will run to us. Right?" He took a moment to think about this and realized I was barely keeping my cool and there was no way he wanted me angry at him at the moment.

"Jen?" He asked his voice wavering because I the anger running through his body. Welion was such an awful person. he slept with other woman when he was engaged, Lied to Micheil, talked rudely to my love, and treated neither me nor the queen any respect. "I agree. But you are tired whether you care to admit it or not. So we will go to the room and I will watch the kingdom off the porch while you rest up. Come on." I sighed, knowing there was no way I was going to win this. My mother always told my, 'Pick and chose your battles'. If that makes any sense.

"Legolas?" I was about to ask something from him that would put everything of our friendship on the line. "Will you carry me?" I whispered barely audible. The response shocked me for he replied differently than I would have thought.

"Yes." Whispered back. That was not the part that shocked me. "My love." He called me his. And threw love in that wonderful little mix too! I smiled largely. I may have over reacted but I felt so happy and exited suddenly. He moved quickly and scooped me up, carrying me bridal style. I leaned my head against his chest and heard his heart beating as fast as mine, if not faster. I carried me into the woods and stood I front of the old tree that held OUR little room. He gently shook me await. "Love," he whispered, "I cannot climb a tree with you in my arms."

I stretched my feet and placed them on the ground. I then stretched my whole body and started climbing the large trunk. Legolas waited for a second then started his ascent. "Why are you following her Greenleaf?!" A rude voice cut through the air. Uh, oh. I'll let Legolas explain this one.

"You see pretty boy," Legolas replied with a slick tone, "your fiancé was extremely tired, so much so that I carried her back to her room. Then, I did not know if she could make it up the tree safely, so I was following so that I may catch her if she falls. I would not be in this position, if her soon-to-be husband had helped her." Wow. Legolas should always do the- Welion! Told Micheil! That I would die! that... there was no colorful word strong enough for the hate I had for him. And that is probably because he has been my enemy, as long as Legolas has been my friend. Forever.

"It looked like you were looking for a 'fun' night with MY queen." Man both these guys are good at arguments. "Were you looking for a place to stay? Because it is not with my almost-wife!" Oh gosh. Why must his mind always go to completely inapropriate places? I mean wasn't it only two weeks ago I saw him making out in Lillylight with another eleth?

"Welion, only you would think of bedding with a girl when she is engaged to another. That is just how your sick mind works. I was trying to protect your 'future-wife's' neck." Welion looked dumbfounded. Then an evil smile crept across his face. I wanted to jump thirty feet strait onto his stupid head and crush it. But I would most likely kill myself. Oh the decitions in life...

"When I become King of Lorien and Lillylight, I will kill you first. All the elves will listen, even your own people. Because if they do not follow me, I will kill them." He finished and strut away stupidly. My anger was boiling and Legolas climbed down. I knew he had to go. Welion would be watching. From now on every time I was near Lolas I would have to be careful. I would never most likely feel Legolas' silk lips apon mine again. And in what? Four days? Be married to someone whom I do not love.

"Go to sleep Princess Ginerva. I will see you in the morning." Legolas turned and climbed the nearest tree, making sure it wasn't Welion's first. My heart broke. Stupid Welion. he has ruined my life and broke the only thing I had lift in tact. My heart. Now Legolas couldn't see me any longer because the Prince of Lillylight ruined everything. I dragged myself onto the porch and layed down. I was tried and I didn't want to think of Legolas because I needed to live on my own. If I went into the room, my senses would be overwhelmed by the sent of him. So slept on the hard wood, wishing that my life would be perfect. But of course, it isn't so I will wait and expect my doom.

I would just have to sleep until morning.


Ok, really sorry. I decided to save most of the excitement for the next chapter. this is probably the third to last chapter in this book, but there will be another. I want to either call it,

Booming Bonds,

Blending Bolds,

Mending Bonds

Strongest bonds. Or anything else you can come up with.

 Please coment and let me know!!! I don't require votes or comments for chapters but I need help. What shall the name be?


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