Chapter 8

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Jenny's POV:

Someone was sleeping in my bed. I could hear rhythmic breath entering and exiting their lungs. They were very quiet and this mystery person had to be an elf. To be able to climb the tree or get to the platform was a task only elves have mastered. I looked closer around the room trying to search for any clue in regards to who this person might be. In one corner, there was a small object leaning up against the wall. It was shaped like a bow and quiver full of arrows, but I couldn't really make it out because it was covered by a cloak.

These sweats I was clothed in were definitely this elf's. These clothes were made for a man so I had been sharing a room with a guy. That sweet sent... I still can't figure out what it is.

I stood there, not making a sound for probably fifteen minutes. I had to do something, but what? Do I hide away in another treehouse, or do I check who it is? If I check then what? Do I kick them out? Being the princess I shouldn't have to be the one to move... plus I only have 6 days left after tonight.

I stuck my hand out. I felt my hand grasp the silk sheets and fluffy comforter. I slowly but confidently pulled back the sheets only to find a tangle of blonde hair spread every where. I could recognise his hair anywhere because when we were little I used to braid it into long strands that hung just over his shoulder. They were beautiful. He was the one that hardly ever slept, sleeping peacefully. I couldn't wake him up no matter how rude I can be sometimes. I guess I just have a weak spot for him.

Legolas looked so peaceful and there was no way I was going to move rooms. Therefore, I would just sleep with him. I wasn't going to let my pride fall so low that I moved for him. Plus as children we slept cuddled together every time his family came to visit.

I pulled back the covers just a little more so that I could slip in next to him. I slowly and quietly climbed in and was now lying on my side peering into his crystal blue eyes. Even in his sleep, he seemed to always be watching. His eyes were so warm? Beautiful? Or maybe comforting? I leaned my head into the familiar crook of his neck. Everything from there on was a chain reaction.

I slid my arm under his neck and bent it at the elbow so that even in my sleep I could play with his hair. His arms slid around my waist and secured me closer to him. I wrapped my legs around him and he tucked his knees in so it may seem as if I was trapped. Before he had gone with the fellowship, we slept like this every night. That is probably why he was still sleeping. And not freaking out because someone just climbed in his bed.

I breathed in deeply through my nose. His scent soothed my senses and soon I was asleep. I was smelling his smell when I entered the room. Of course! I should have realised that it was his unique aroma that filled the room. I had been wearing his shirts while I stayed and he was always cleaning my dirty room.

I had missed him so much and now I was finally back in his arms, which we had both agreed, was the comfiest place in Middle Earth.


Legolas's POV

I leaned in like always, kissing on the corner of her ear to wake her up. It was the most sensitive point on her body. It always made her wake in a VERY happy mood, much like when she would wake me with neck kisses.

Her body started to awaken. She yawned and stretched out. The sun reflected off her skin, making her glow. She looked into my eyes and spoke soft beautiful words. They were groggy and almost incoherent. "Morning, Leos. I missed waking up to your perfect elven face." I would be lying if I said I expected her to be so sweet. I supposed she just hadn't fully woken yet.

"Why are you in my bed, beautiful?" I said with a small smirk. "Don't get me wrong," I leaned in and whispered, "I completely love your presence."

Jenny's POV

"I completely love your presence." He whispered seductively in my ear. It was so rich and earthy that it awakened one last part of me. Unfortunately it also started the rational side. With a wedding so near by, even in my wildest fantasies, I had to remind myself of Arwen's wise words, 'don't entirely ruin your life.'

"Nothing would make me happier than the old days, but I'm sure your wife wouldn't be pleased to hear about us meeting this way again after eleven years, and Welion certainly wouldn't be happy as our wedding in in a few days.... so I suppose it's time for me to take my leave and go hunting. Meanwhile I'm sure Micheil is up and ready to be entertained." I said starting to crawl out of his grasp. I was almost free when he caught my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"Sounds like a lot of excuses, and I'm not married."

One of his arms slid around my lower back and the other wrapped around my shoulder and neck. He did the unthinkable and pressed his lips hard apon mine. I slipped my fingers into his hair and kissed him back fiercely. I had wanted this forever, our 'first' kiss.

After eleven years we should have probably spent a few months catching up and learning all about each other's adventures and new passions, but it seemed as if both of us had a hidden urgency to reclaim what we had given up for all of these past years. As long as there wasn't any real emotion behind the kisses, it couldn't bring that much evil. 


There you go. They just met and you have a kiss. Please be patient with me. Thank you to this one guy named Andrew... for texting me, you gave me inspiration to continue writing. Love you!!! Vote/comment/fan!!


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