Wavelengths & Frequencies

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I like to think of people as frequencies and wavelengths. 

There's dissonance, when frequencies clash horrifically. A pair of dissonant individuals, no matter how compatible, how star crossed and in love they are with each other's superficiality, will always fall apart. 

Consonance--occurs when two people are similar and compatible. They're great friends, and they add to your life in ways other people can't. If you find each other attractive, they might date, and have a pleasant relationship. To many, it's the essence of perfect love. 

Personally, I disagree. To settle for consonance is, well. Settling.

Because to me, true love is  R E S O N A N C E.

Resonance is defined as when two intersecting frequencies match. By its very nature, it can't add to a person, or take anything away--its only power is to AMPLIFY. Resonant people somehow feel more like themselves when they're together, and it can be both liberating and infuriating. But when people are truly resonant, they have a bond that runs remarkably deep, because it is one of profound understanding. There will always be something that draws them together when they allow it to happen.

The resonant people in our lives are our soulmates. We won't necessarily marry them or date them, but they're the people we can love regardless of their faults until the day we die. 

They're not always our star crossed lovers, or our best friends. We can wait an eternity for a frequency to pass us by and not realise until it's gone. 

So, if you have someone in your life who really, truly resonates with you, for fuck's sake, do not ever let them go. 


We were asked in english class to write our definition of love. Thus the excerpt^^ Not my usual style, but okay.

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