Part 2

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*Your POV:

He then sprayed some of the whipped cream in his mouth and then asked if Zan wanted some "Want some Zan?" He called him and started to shake the can while spraying the cream on my cheek. Zan had no problem licking it off my face while Hayes was laughing his butt off while Nash was recording it for Hayes' YouTube channel.

"Hayes!! Ahhh Grier you're on. The games begin!! "I yelled as I ran after Hayes to the backyard, with Nash and Zan not that far behind me. There he was in the middle of his backyard. There were a few trees in the each corner and some bushes along the fence but mostly just open grass in the backyard.

"Well, well, well, look who finally caught up to meet me" he said laughing. He still had the can in his hand, eating some of course, but ready to spray anyone who came near him.

"So how do you want to settle this humm..?" I said as I had one hand on my hip.

"How about we don't settle it and I'll just win!"

"How about no"

"Ok. How about we play basketball so I can win already and then we can cuddle cuz I do really miss you" he said in his sexy voice, as he slowly walked his way over to me. As I slowly started to took a fews steps backwards, he lunged at me spraying some of the whipped cream onto the grass, as I escaped giggling as we ran around the yard. I was only a few inches ahead of him but it was enough space between us so he couldn't get me... or so I thought.

As I ran away from Hayes I decided to go to the tree in the far corner of the yard. The closer I got to the tree Hayes had finally sped up a little just so he could get ahold of me. He snaked his arm around my waist as he lifted me up just enough she he could pin me up against the tree. His hands were on either side of my head on the tree, while my hands rested on his chest as we stared at each other while we catch our breath from running and laughing at each other.
(The tree I pictured they are against 😌)

 (The tree I pictured they are against 😌)

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"I could stare at you all day, everyday."

"I could too Hasss" I said with a smirk on my face

"But do you know the reasons why?" he said as he slowly inched himself closer to me, his forehead against mine close enough that our lips were gently brushing, that we could feel each others breathe.

I could feel myself blushing as I took my lip between my teeth, he then moves his forehead away from mine as he rests his cheek against mines so he could whisper sweet nothings in my ear and press a lingering kiss on my cheek. Yet, we stayed there in this sweet, loving embrace with our cheeks touching as we listened to each other's heart beat as it was the rhythm of our Love. Young Love

"Is it because you love me ? Cuz. I. Do. Too. My. Poorbear. " I said slowly as my hands traveled slowly up his chest to the back of his neck, my eyes did the same until we had made eye contact.

"But you can't love me if I'm not here" a playful smirked was on my face as I spun around and pushed him to the tree, but he was much quicker than me as he got ahold of my wrists in his hands.

"Oh no not again. You just can't seem to learn can you?" A smirk played on his face as he pulled my hands closer to him until we were only inches away.

"I can learn but I also like to win you know" I said as I looked down at the grass beneath my shoes.

I had managed to get out of his grip as I fixed the piece of hair that had fell out of place. "How about we make a competition out of this?" I said as I traced his face with my index finger.

"What did you have in mind y/n ?" he said with his eyebrows raised in suspicion.

"You say you can beat me at anything at anytime. Let's put it to the test?" I carefully said as I bite my lip while staring into his beautiful blue eyes that you could get lost in for days.

"You see where Nash and Zan are at? How about we race each other to see who gets to the concrete first, BUT you have to give me a 7 second lead."

"Is it cuz your slow?" A smirk slowly made its way across his face as he let go of my wrists and started to count to 5.

I turned and started to run. I wasn't a fast runner and Hayes knew this for a fact


I was about halfway there when I heard Hayes speed up his counting. I turned my head just enough to see Hayes start to run after me, I kept running towards Nash who was still recording as I felt two arms snake around my waist as we spun around. With the course of gravity and his clumsiness, Hayes and me went tumbling to the ground and of course, as my luck would have it, Hayes had ended up on top of me.

"You cheated!!" I said while I was giggling

"No I didn't I was just falling for you" he said with the most biggest cheesiest smile appeared upon his face as he leaned down to kiss me.

It was our first kiss since we had got together and it felt so real that it almost seemed like it was fake. That this beautiful creature in front of me, this boy with these icy blue eyes that captivated me from the beginning was mine and I was his.

Our Young Love was Forever and Always.


Hope you enjoyed it

Go watch Freakish on Hulu Cuz I finished today and Omg I love all the Noodle scenes😍😍

~Sherry ❤

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