This school was complete shit.

"Hey, you wanna come with me to get some chips?" Then maybe... I dunno, we could fuck in the bathroom?

Zoro blushed just thinking about that last part. When did his mind become so dirty? Damn hormones.

"Yeah, sure. Beats staying in here."

They both retrieved their passes and walked out. The walk was rather quiet at first until a girl walked out of the bathroom, causing Sanji to immediately jump out of her way and into Zoro.

"Pardon me, Madame. I wasn't watching were I was going."

"Isn't that why you have eyes in the front of your head, cook?" Zoro said, with sarcasm tangled in his voice.

"Shut it moss." Sanji nudged him into the lockers.

They giggled and Zoro retaliated by shoving Sanji into the opposite wall.

"Oh you wanna play like that, do you?"

Sanji backed up before running and nearly tackling Zoro into a connecting corridor.

Zoro, being caught off guard, tried his best to prevent himself from falling on his ass. But instead smacked his face on the wall then fell on his ass.

Sanji just stood back, laughing uncontrollably. When Zoro was trying his best not to fall, he would extend his arms and legs to gain more balance. Man, just the sight of this reminded Sanji of a... Of a....

"Hahahaha!! You look like a frog! Hahahaha!"

His laughter was starting to become extremely intense while Zoro just sat on the floor, staring.

"Man, if he wasn't so damn cute, I'd be pissed the fuck off."

Zoro snapped out of his daze when Sanji extended a hand, not really trying to hold back his snickering.

"You are the biggest asshole I've ever met." Zoro mumbled, grabbing Sanji's hand and pulling himself up.

Sanji raised his hands in defense. "What?! You pushed me first! I didn't think you'd fall!" Sanji countered in between giggles.

"Whatever I didn't even push you that hard. You're just a fat faced baby."

"Fat faced?", Sanji giggled. Damn his laugh was just magical.

"My face is in no way fat, Frog."

"I'm not a frog! What the hell are you anyway, huh?!"

"Pfft. Not a frog."

Dammit... Think of something...

"Then you're a... A turtle! Yeah! You're a stupid swirly browed turtle!"

Zoro felt incredibly proud of his idiotic little comeback, but Sanji's face said 'are you fucking serious?'

Zoro blushed and jogged ahead to the nearest vending machine. He bought two bags of chips and offered one to Sanji, who gratefully excepted.

"Thanks, moss." He said as he took the spicy doritos. Their figures bushed slightly, causing both of them to blush and turn away.

"Aaawww! You two are so cute!"

They turned to see a rather bubbly Nami giggling about just how adorable the two looked. I mean, who doesn't ship these two together? No one, duh.

"Wh-what are you talking about?!" Zoro yelled, clearly caught off guard by the sudden comment. While Sanji just stood back and looked at the floor, flustered.

"So just when the hell are you two gonna tie the knot, 'cuz I'm sick of seeing you like this." She said, motioning her hand in a circular motion toward them.

Sanji then shot his eyes up and stared at her with a pleading look. She sighed getting the message.

"Whatever, I have to get back to class anyway. Bye." With that, she left the two alone together with their thoughts.

They were quiet for some time until Sanji said "Hey the bell's about to ring, we should head back."

Zoro nodded following closed behind. Its not like he didn't know his way back. He knew! He just... Um... Liked looking at the back of Sanji's head. It looked super shiny and soft... Or whatever.

Anyway, when they got back everyone was already packed and waiting to leave. The bell rang, dismissing everyone. Zoro was waiting in the front of the school for his father.

"Whatcha waiting for?" Zoro turned to see Sanji approaching him.

"My dad said he would pick me up."

"Hmm, that's smart. Wouldn't want moss-head to get lost, would we?" Sanji joked nudging Zoro's arm lightly.

"Tsk. Whatever, I wouldn't even get lost." He lied like hell.

"Yeah, I'm sure you wouldn't."

Right then, Mihawk pulled. Zoro turned to Sanji.

"Hey, you want a ride?"

"Sure, thanks."

They both hopped in the car. Zoro in front, Sanji in the back.

"How have you been Sanji? Its been a while." Mihawk greeted.

"It sure has, I've been good."

"How's Zeff doing?"

Sanji laughed inwardly. "Still as old and annoying as ever."

He pulled up to Sanji's house and he got out.

"Thanks for the ride. I'll see ya later, Zoro."

Zoro blushed at the mention of his name. "Yeah see ya, Sanji."

Sanji walked up to the door and entered, while Mihawk drove off.

"What a nice boy." He started.

"Yeah, I guess." Zoro said, a little confused at what his father was getting at.

"Why don't you ask him out? You've known each other for some time now."

"Dad! I'm waiting for the right time, okay? Can we change the subject please?" Zoro was starting to get extremely embarrassed, Mihawk could tell from the color of his face.

"Alright. Let's talk about how the hell you ended up in the middle of the city this morning."

Oh my fucking gosh, someone kill me....


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long. Life, stress you know the deal. This chapter was actually based on what happened to me some days ago.

My best friend in the world pushed me down and when I tried to catch myself, she called me a fuckin frog!! How mean!

Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Till next time!🙌

One Piece High SchoolOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora