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"Uuuhhgg.... Fuck I wanna go home."

Zoro was in third period, slouching in his chair, half asleep. He had stayed up until almost two a.m. having a rather... intense argument with Kuina about swords and whose better and blah blah blah...

Anyway, when he woke up the next morning, he saw that it was past 8:00! Barely having any time to have a proper breakfast, he got ready, said his goodbyes and ran to school.

At least, he attempted to. By the time he realized he was lost, he was in the middle of the city. Zoro looked at his phone and found that it was 10:56, so he decided to swallow his pride and call his father.

"What the hell do you mean 'you don't know the way to school'? Don't you walk the same way everyday?"

"Dad, please just come and get me. I'll tell you what happened later. I'm about to text you the street."

"Fine. But don't move from that spot, before you loose your way even more. You'd think it'd be impossible, but I'm sure you'll find a way."

"Whatever, dad! Just come an- *beep* Mihawk hung up before he could get an earful from his rather annoying son.

Uuuuugghh... Mihawk grabbed his keys and hopped in his car, driving to the street Zoro had sent him.

"I'm still confused as to how exactly you got lost. I did make sure to show you that way a great number of times. I just wonder where you inherited that 'built-in compass' from, because you surely didn't get it from me."

Zoro wasn't really paying attention to his dad's lecture. He had heard it all about a million times before, it was nothing new. Just how sad is that.

Anyway, he was really deep in thought at the moment. It would be about third period right now and he had already missed a class with Sanji. Fuck. But he still had last period with him so he could make that time they spent arguing and fighting and mildly flirting up no problem.


"Okay. Get out. Have a nice day, I love you. I'll pick you up after school, because I know if you walk, you'll end up in Canada." Mihawk said, in a rather contradicting tone.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks pop. Love you too."

Zoro hopped out and ran to his third period. It was almost over so he didn't bother to take his supplies out, he just slept the rest of the class... Typical...

"Hey, Moss. Where were you?" Sanji said as Zoro walked into last period.

"Oh, just at home. I wasn't feeling too good so I decided to wait 'till later to come." He lied.

"You got lost didn't you."

"No I didn't! How'd you know?"

"I know you better than you think." Sanji smirked causing Zoro to blush.

Zoro liked last mod best because he could 95 minutes with his boyfriend to be. Also because it was practically a free period so he could just sleep or talk... Or just leave if he really felt like it.

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