Chapter Three: The Trial

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"I just wanted to say that I have a plan to help you so you don't have to stay here with Error!" Blueberry stated, "But that's all I can tell!"

It's not that Blueberry didn't want Error to make some new friends, it's just that Cherry, no matter how crime, didn't deserve to be kept in this void without seeing his family or friends. It made Blueberry feel bad and made him think of when he was trapped here as well.

"HeY BlUeBeRrY!" The two Sanses heard Error call to the hyper Sans.

"Well, I gotta go. But I'll see you later!" Blueberry said as he ran off to hug his glitch friend.

Underfell Papyrus only sighed in disgust. "He's so weak and friendly. Be aware, Sans. That kind of attitude will get you killed in this world." Boss said to his eldest brother.

Cherry only nodded. That was the rule; Hide behind a tough guy mask and don't let anyone see you be nice or anything but rude, vicious, cruel, and mean. That pretty much was the rule in their universe. It was a stupid rule and he desperately wanted to break it, but what could he do that didn't involve getting himself killed and disowned by his own brother?

Finally, Undertale Sans and Papyrus arrived in the dimension as everyone sat down on the ground. Undertale Sans stood up and cleared his throat. "Attention, one and all! Thank you for coming to the first trial of the many AUs of Undertale. Today, we shall be discussing Underfell Sans and Papyrus, who are guilty of-"

"WHO ARE GULUTY OF THE CRIME OF ALMOST KILLING OUR ALPHYUS!!!" Undertale Papyrus shouted, glaring at them with his "Bitch-I-Will-Cut-You" face.

"...... Thank you, Papyrus. Now, this trial won't be a "Guilty" or "Non-Guilty" trial, since those are boring and we all know they did it. But, this trial will be to discuss their punishment and how they can serve it. If we can't all come up with a suitable punishment for them, then they will be forced to live here with Error for one year." Sans continued, motioning to Error.

Error only grinned at the Underfell brothers, already having out two dolls that looked just liked them. Boss and Cherry cringed, gulping. Whatever punishment they would have, it would be better than staying another minute with Error.

"So, does anyone have any suggestions?" Ink asked all the Sanses and Papyruses of the room.


"Sorry, Papy. I don't think they'd learn anything from that." Undertale Sans replied, patting his brother's back.

"They have to do something totally radical in Underfresh!" Underfresh Sans suggested with a flip of his hat.

"They can have a space adventure!" Outertale Sans squeaked.

"Dance competition." Was all Dancetale Sans said.

"They'll have to play the Genocide Run of Undertale." Aftertale Sans said, who just probably wanted to be included.

"Let us kill them to teach them a lesson..." Horror Sans grinned, getting out his axe.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea..." Dusttale Sans and Papyrus both said at the same time.

"NO!!! Not killing, no competitions, none of that!" Ink said, calming down the chaos.

"WeLl, ThE KiLlInG PaRt SoUnDs FuN.." Error mumbled with a chuckle, which earned him a slap upside the head from Ink himself.

"Should I tell them my idea now?" Blueberry whispered to Orange curiously.

"Yeah, I think now would be a good idea." Orange whispered back as he breathed out some smoke.

Blueberry smiled widely before raising his hand up to the counsel. "YES! SANS ME!" Undertale Papyrus smiled, pointing to Blueberry.

"Okay! I have an idea! What if you let Cherry come leave with me? It would give him a chance to see that there is more to life than being mean to others. And I also thought that maybe Boss could live with Undertale Papyrus! That way, they both get to see different worlds and see that there is more to life than violence and murder. And it would only be for one year!" Blueberry explained with a smile.

Cherry's eyes widened. Living in Underswap?! That sounded like Hell! Everyone being so nice to each other and violence being "illegal"?! And what was worse, Papyrus would be away from him! But, from the looks that Boss was giving Orange, it seemed he wanted to go to Underswap instead.

It took a few moments of talking between Ink, Error, Sans, and Papyrus until they reached a decision. "Very well. Cherry will go to live with Blueberry and Orange in Underswap and Boss shall live with me and Papyrus in Undertale!" Sans announced to everyone in the room.

'Oh joy.....' The Underfell Brothers both thought.


Howdy, everybody! So yes! This is chapter three and I'm sorry it's longer than the other chapters!

But anyway, before anyone asks, Underfell Papyrus is shipped with Underswap Papyrus, not Undertale Papyrus. I just thought I should tell you guys that. And yes, Error and Ink are a couple. X3 They're so cute!!!!

Also, I've got bad news: I'm going back to school tomorrow. But I do have a schedule: This book shall be updated every Saturday and Sunday!

Anywho, make sure to vote or comment if you guys wanna see more! And I'll see you guys at the next chapter! Bye!!!

Cherryberry: Why Do I Like You?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ