Part 3

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You were comfortable the first time you met him, but now you were just awkward. The two of you took a seat on the table.

"So do you want me to get you anything?"
"Oh thats okay, you don't have to pay."
"Don't worry, my treat." That bright smile of his was showing. You agreed and he got you both drinks.

It was just like last time when you were talking and getting to know each other. Except this time, you had more time.

Talking to him was great. He's such a postive, cheerful person. Seokmin's basically a fun person to be with.

"So you said you haven't been to this town before?" You shook your head.
"Do you mind if I bring you somewhere?"
You raised your eyebrows as he quickly stood up and grabbed your hand, leading you towards the door.

"Where are we going?" He just simply smiled and said "trust me, you'll like it."

You took a long walk up a hill. Almost at the edge of the town. Other than the fact that you were tired from all the walking, everything around you was beautiful. It's a sight you have never seen before.

Who would've thought that there was such a nice place right next to you?

You seemed to be stopping by the time you got to the top. From there you could see everything. And if he was timing it, you two got there right at sunset.

You stood there admiring it all. Anything and everything about this city was beautiful. The nature, the people. It was just breathtaking.

"This is beautiful."
"I'm glad you liked it."

Truthfully, Seokmin totally had not planned to bring you here. In fact, he never has brought anyone. Sure he was nice and all, but something like this is something you'd never find him doing. It was as if he had a desire, to make you happy. For some odd reason, he just wanted to.

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